
This project aims to get 4 machine learning models to estimate loan payment probability.

Models used:

  • K-Nearest Neighbours
  • Decision Tree
  • Support Vector Machine
  • Logistic Regression

The code has a section "====== Answer ======" were models are made.

K-Fold strategy and training function

There are some design decisions for this training:

  • To use K-Folds cross-validation to make a better decision for the hyperparameters for each model
  • To use StratifiedKFold to keep the percentage of labels in training and testing
  • To use F1-Score because these problems have imbalanced datasets and F1-Score can improve the analysis of performance
  • To use a function to wrap many training iterations and make an automated decision for model selection.
  • The code remains with print functions for the people who want to check the process
  • After detecting the best model, is used all the original dataset to train, to take advantage of all data for the future test set
