
A place for sharing Angular Snippets

Primary LanguageAstroMIT LicenseMIT

Angular Snippets

All Contributors

A website to find and share code snippets for Angular.

How to add snippets

Follow the below steps to add a snippet to the website.

  • Go to pages -> snippets folder.
  • add a new mdx file with the name of the snippet.
  • add the content in the format below.
title: Tile of the snippet
description: description of the snippet
pubDate: (Dare) Feb 20, 2022
contributedBy: "@TwitterHandle"

import BlogImage from "@components/BlogImage.astro";
import SourceMap from "@images/source-map.jpg";

Content of the snippet

We accept mdx syntax here.

You can include code snippets like this.

"sourceMap": {
"hidden": true,

and images like this.

<BlogImage src={ImagePath} alt="hidden source map for production" />

Tech Stack 🛠️

Developer Notes 📝

Here are some commands that you can run to get started with the project. You can also check all the commands in the package.json

# Install dependencies
pnpm install

# Run the development server
pnpm dev

# Build the project
pnpm build

# Serve the built project
pnpm preview


Oliver Erxleben
Oliver Erxleben

Paweł Kubiak
Paweł Kubiak

Santosh Yadav
Santosh Yadav

Nicolas Frizzarin
Nicolas Frizzarin

Jay Bell
Jay Bell

Bartosz Wasilew
Bartosz Wasilew

Robin Goetz
Robin Goetz

Chau Tran
Chau Tran

💻 📖
Pham Huu Hien
Pham Huu Hien


License ⚖️

This repository has MIT License.