
Lee's Emacs configuration

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Lee’s Emacs Configuration

In ~/.emacs.d

git clone git@github.com:nelsonov/emacs-config.git .

Don’t forget the “.” (dot) at the end of the above command


.gitignore is setup so that only certain files are included. All other files will be ignored by git.


  • .gitignore
  • init.el
  • *.org Any file ending in .org (Like this current file)
  • themes/*.el Only files ending in .el in the themes subdirectory
  • custom/*.el Only files ending in .el in the custom subdirectory

The “custom” Subdirectory

Rather than having a single, huge, monolithic init.el, much of the configuration has been broken out into individule files. They are called from init.el with a require statement:

(require 'setup-something)

This tells emacs to look for a file called setup-something.el in the load path.The setup-something.el file must end with a provide statement:

(provide 'setup-something)

The custom subidrectory must be added the load path in init.el:

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/custom")