Hypriot Kubernetes Cluster
Create a Kubernetes Cluster using Raspberry Pi's, HypriotOS, and KubeAdm.
- Raspberry Pi 3/4
With KubeAdm you only need one node (1 master) to start playing with K8s, so feel free to add up any number of nodes you want.
- Linux
Ansible only works under Linux. So if you are using a Windows workstation you can create a Linux Virtual Machine or use WSL
- Ansible 2.8 or higher
Ansible is a powerful configuration manager that is used here to bootstrap the K8s cluster.
- HypriotOS v1.7 image or higher
HypriotOS is a Debian based distribution for Raspberry Pi. It preloads docker and optimize it to make it easy to use. It also bring support for cloud-init configs.
- Openshift Python Module
Ansible use it to operate with the Kubernetes Cluster. You can install it easily with pip
. And due to this issue you have to set the kubernetes package version to 11.0.0
pip install openshift
pip install kubernetes==11.0.0
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/nelsonyaccuzzi/hypriot-k8s.git
cd hypriot-k8s
Complete the inventory
Edit the inventory
and vars
file with your variables and hosts
rpi-mst-01 ansible_host=
rpi-mst-02 ansible_host=
rpi-mst-03 ansible_host=
rpi-wrk-01 ansible_host=
rpi-wrk-02 ansible_host=
rpi-wrk-03 ansible_host=
cluster_address: k8s
kubernetes_version: 1.18.4
Create ssh keys
You need to create the ssh keys to connect to the nodes.
mkdir keys
ssh-keygen -f keys/id_k8s -N ""
Create cloud-init configs
ansible-playbook -i inventory -e "@vars" playbooks/configs.yml
After this, a folder name user-data
will appear in this repo with the cloud-init files for each raspberry
Download Image
Download the HypriotOS image from the Official Repo Realease Page.
wget https://github.com/hypriot/image-builder-rpi/releases/download/v1.12.2/hypriotos-rpi-v1.12.2.img.zip
unzip hypriotos-pi-v1.12.2.img.zip
Flash MicroSD Cards
You can use any tool you like to do this, but in the end you have to copy the content of each cloud-init file in the user-data
file inside the /boot partition of each microSD card
If you are using Linux you can use the Hypriot Flash Tool to flash and copy the cloud-init in the same command, like this
flash -u <cloud-init_file> <hypriotos_image>
Select the correct device where the microSD are mounted.
Repeat the command for every microSD card, changing the cloud-init file.
Check Connectivity
The cloud-init configs configures the eth0 interface with the inventory specified ip address and network configuration, wlan0 support will be added later.
ansible all -m ping -i inventory --private-key keys/id_k8s -u pi
Passwordless connections are also configured for the pi user and the keys are located in the
Create the K8s Cluster
Execute the playbook
ansible-playbook -i inventory -e "@vars" main.yml
Checking on nodes
kubectl get nodes
rpi-mst-01 Ready control-plane,master 7m4s v1.21.0
rpi-wrk-01 Ready worker 6m33s v1.21.0
rpi-wrk-02 Ready worker 6m35s v1.21.0
Cleanup Cluster
If you want to keep playing you can start over with the following command
ansible-playbook -i inventory playbooks/cleanup.yml
This playbook was created following this helpful repos