
INSTALL SCRIPT COULD BE BROKEN!!! (only use it as a guide)

my messy dotfiles

  • (Latest update: updated everything)
  • If you actually consider using these then good luck because even I don't understand what's going on here anymore
  • For polybar spotify intergration install: playerctl (pacman), zscroll (yay)
  • And make sure that polybar scripts are executable
  • For screenshots to work you need to make ~/Screenshots
  • DM: lightdm
  • Browser: Brave Browser
  • Windows Manager: i3
  • Bar: Polybar
  • Fonts: Font Awesome, Fira Code
  • Audio visualizer: cava (
  • Compositor: Fork of picom (
  • AUR helper: yay
  • Editor: Neovim
  • Music: Spotify
  • Screenshot: scrot
  • Launcher: dmenu
  • Terminal: st (luke smiths' build
  • Shell: bash
  • Color scheme, colors: Pywal(, I use pywal -i xyz.png, and colors are configured in the programs.
  • Distro: Arch Linux (


screenshot screenshot2