
Primary LanguageJava

OpenAPI Swagger


Now there is a setting that after restarting the server your user data will be deleted
If you need use already created user please use
login: admin@mail.com
password: password


My workspace for fast application testing

Tools for local using project on your PC

Recommend to use directories and password's as tutorial

Install Java JDK:

For Windows x64 you can use fast link:
For other:

Run installer with Administrator rights
Select destination folder, I recommend create folder for backend tools, for example: C:\obox\java

Download Apache Tomcat Server with link:

32-bit/64-bit Windows Service Installer:
TomCat 9.0.76 32-bit/64-bit Windows Service Installer

  1. Run installer with Administrator rights
  2. Select all Checkboxes including "Host Manager", "Example"
  3. We must specify the password and the user for example user:obox / password:obox
  4. Select your Java directory for our example: C:\obox\java
  5. Folder for Tomcat C:\obox\tomcat\
  6. Run Apache Tomcat, you can see icon in tray

For test open in your browser: http://localhost:8080
My congratulations, we are halfway to success!
Add war file from repository to directory C:\obox\tomcat\webapps and open your browser http://localhost:8080/obox/

Install MySQL

In Future after reboot you PC start first MySQL Workbench, after that Tomcat

Fast link Windows (x86, 32-bit), MSI Installer:
Step-by-step installation as in the images
N|Solid N|Solid N|Solid N|Solid N|Solid N|Solid N|Solid
Set and remember root password for example: oboxroot
N|Solid N|Solid N|Solid N|Solid N|Solid N|Solid
Use our root password in our example: oboxroot
N|Solid N|Solid N|Solid
Use our root password in our example: oboxroot
N|Solid N|Solid

My congratulations, database success installed!