
Arduino code to control a pump for hydroponics purposes.

Primary LanguageLua

This is Arduino code, and perhaps more later, to control a pump that flows water for hydroponics purposes.

Pictures of the "reference implementation" (lol) can be seen here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/nemik/sets/72157622608195083/

The pump is a windshield washer pump from a Ford car. It is running from a 12v 1A AC->DC adapter and seems to be working fine like that, very powerful.

[s]The StandardFirmata firmware has now been included in this code. I plan to use it to read sensors attached to the circuit such as temperature, photosensor for light, etc. External components coming later such as lighting (perhaps via PWM too if LED?) so it can be controlled via the host machine and it can log all this. Perhaps some other indicator LED's such as one to change the water, etc.[/s]

I decided to scrap Firmata for now in favour of a simple protocol specific to this project. Analog values are just sent pip-delimited every second. Characters from the OpenWRT router are listened for, etc.

The OpenWRT (version 8.09.1) on a Fonera Fon2100 router has been modified to give its Luci web interface a very simple little GUI to display some data coming back from an Arduino.

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