

Primary LanguageHTML


This is my personal portfolio website which showcases some of the applications I have built. It also includes some information on myself and an updated version of my cv.


  • Streamline css(ensure responsiveness)
  • build api backend for project hub
  • Animate elements on dom on loading of page and per break points
  • build contact form for users to be able to interact with an actual form
  • transform front end with react components -> use django as backend (api)
  • stop taking so long.

deployed link

A deployed link to the website can be found here


User Stories

As an employer I expect to see a showcase of Stephen's work.

As a recruiter I expect to see a showcase of Stephen's cv.


The goal in the design process was to make it as easy as possible to access relevant information on the application while striving for a minimalist and user-friendly design.


For employers, I wanted to provide them with a brief overview of myself and my capabilites. This way, they would be able to get a glimpse of who I am, my background, work I have done, and my skill, with an option to contact me if they choose.


In the 'work' section, I wanted viewers to be abble to quickly access work that I have done, providing a quick snippet summary of the project with a link to a Github repository and live link. I have also included social links which is situated on a fade-in bar to keep a clean main navbar / footer.


The grey colours complimented with white and black and some orange on hover and nav items.

Features left to Implement

In the future, I would like to have this application as scalable as possible and this was the main reason for using django framework, although it does not implement a lot of the django features early on, I plan on adding a blog section. A contact section which does not just us mailto:, I also plan on creating a file explorer which will hold all project code all in one place which will use the github api. I have also considered using django as an api holder and reactjs as the front end which would be a nice combination of both technologies.


This site is hosted using heroku, with packages django-heroku and whitenoise for image hosting, I was toying with using AWS s3 but because there was so few images to host I decided to go with whitenoise as it made more sense, for future releases and scalability I will transition to AWS as it would make more sense.



All photos were taken from Pexels and Unsplash

Thank you!

Thanks for viewing this portfolio.

this is a work in progress and probably always will be.. this is not suppose to be a ground breaking portfolio but more so to showcase what I have done previously and the technologies I have used.

Take care Stevo!