Use this tool integrated with the Deployer to use the power of MageMojo Stratus CLI.
If you are using Magento 2 you can use this Magento 2 Deployer Recipe together!
You can run the command followed by dep. Example: dep mm:cache:clear --stage=production
Command | Description |
mm:cron:stop | Stop Crons from running |
mm:cron:start | Start crons |
mm:zdd:init | Zero Downtime Deployment Init |
mm:zdd:switch | Zero Downtime Deployment Switch with check |
mm:autoscaling:reinit | It will issue a redeploy of PHP-FPM services |
mm:cache:clear | Clears everything |
mm:cloudfront:clear | Clears Cloudfront cache |
mm:opcache:clear | Clears OPCache cache |
mm:redis:clear | Clears Redis cache |
mm:varnish:clear | Clears Varnish cache |
How to install Deployer:
curl -LO && sudo mv deployer.phar /usr/local/bin/dep && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/dep
How to install this package:
composer require rafaelstz/deployer-magemojo --dev
After install it, you can add the line below after the namespace and run dep
to check:
// MageMojo Recipe
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/rafaelstz/deployer-magemojo/MageMojo.php';
This recipe when installed automatically will clean all caches after the deploy success, but if you want to restart all services, add these into the bottom:
// MageMojo restart services
after('success', 'mm:autoscaling:reinit');
// MageMojo clean all caches
after('success', 'mm:cloudfront:clear');
after('success', 'mm:varnish:clear');
after('success', 'mm:redis:clear');
namespace Deployer;
// MageMojo Recipe
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/rafaelstz/deployer-magemojo/MageMojo.php';
// Project
set('application', 'My Project Name');
set('repository', '');
set('default_stage', 'production');
// Project Configurations
->set('deploy_path', '/home/my-project-folder')
->set('branch', 'master')
// MageMojo restart services
after('success', 'mm:autoscaling:reinit');
// MageMojo clean all caches
after('success', 'mm:cloudfront:clear');
after('success', 'mm:varnish:clear');
after('success', 'mm:redis:clear');