
NestJS TypeScript GraphQL Boilerplate - A starting point for building server-side apps with NestJS, TypeScript, and GraphQL.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

generate a readme file for a github repo for nestjs typescript graphql boilerplate

NestJS TypeScript GraphQL Boilerplate

This repository contains a ready-to-use boilerplate for building a GraphQL API using NestJS and TypeScript.


  • NestJS as the web framework
  • TypeScript for statically typed programming
  • GraphQL for API implementation
  • Apollo Server for GraphQL server integration with NestJS
  • TypeORM for database integration

Quick Start

  1. Clone the repository


$ git clone https://github.com/nemmarramos/nestjs-typescript-graphql-boilerplate.git
  1. Install dependencies


$ npm install
  1. Set environment variables in .env file
  2. Start the development server


$ npm run start:dev
  1. Access GraphQL Playground at http://localhost:3000/graphql


Feel free to contribute to this repository by creating pull requests or opening issues for bug fixes or new features.


This repository is licensed under the MIT license.