
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Newser is a pretty simple news search application that allows a user to search for news using the NewsCatcher free API.


Autosave last article search

Newser automatically saves the last set of articles that were returned from a search. Refresh the browser and your last articles will be there.


Bookmark articles to save for later. Click on the Bookmarks link in the header to navigate to all of your bookmarks. Save a bookmark by clicking on the bookmark buttoon in the footer of any article card. If an article is bookmarked, the icon will be a magenta color.

If an article is already bookmarked, clicking the icon will remove it from the bookmarks.

Dark/light mode

The Newser color scheme can be changed by clicking on the icon directly underneath the search input. If you are in light mode. the icon will appear as a moon. If you're in dark mode, the icon will appear as a sun.

The color scheme will automatically set itseld depending on the browser-level or OS level user preferences as well. If you have dark mode set by default in your browser, the scheme will automatically be set to dark mode.


I did my best to stick with the organizational approach presented in the class. Still, I feel like the project could use some serious refactoring. The code is not as well-organized as I would prefer and, given more time, I would clean the whole project up.

There are still some rough edges and small problems, but overall it achieves what I intended.