
A collection of all research works related to logging code issues.

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Logging Improvement

This repository hosts a collection of all research works related to improving logging code quality. Logging code refers to the code snippets that developers inserted into source code (e.g., LOG.info("User " + userName + " logged in")) to monitor the behavior of systems during runtime.

Execution logs, which are generated by logging code at runtime, are readily available in large-scale software systems for many purposes like system monitoring, problem degbugging, workload characterization, and business decision making. All these tasks require high quality logging code.

However, as logging code is a cross-cutting concern, it is hard to maintain and evolve logging code while the modern software development cycle increases. Hence, quite a few research works are proposed to tackle with this challenges and are published in top-ranked software engineering/system venues. This repository aims to summarize these works and present a complete catalog of logging code related research.

Logging Issue Catalog (To be added)

Category Description Example
Explicit Cast Explicit casting informs the system to forcibly convert an object into a particular type. It might cause runtime type conversion errors and system crash. DataNode.LOG.warn("Added missing block to memory " + (Block)diskBlockInfo);
Logging Smells Poor design and implementation choices when developing the logging code. remoteAddress = s.getRemoteSocketAddress().toString();
LOG.warn("Invalid access token in request from " + s.getRemoteSocketAddress() + " for replacing block " + block);
Malformed output Some objects do not have a human readable format defined. byte[] startRow;
LOG.debug("Creating scanner over " + Bytes.toString(tableName) + " starting at key '" + startRow + "'");
Nullable objects The objects used in the dynamic contents can be null. //proxy could be null
Log.error(... + proxy.getPort());
Wrong Verbosity Level A problematic verbosity level for the logging code was chosen by developers LOG.info("DEBUG --- Container FINISHED: " + containerID);
Inadequate information in catch blocks Duplicate logging statements in different catch blocks of the same try block n/a
Inconsistent error-diagnostic information Duplicate logging statements for documenting exceptions may contain inconsistent error-diagnostic information n/a
Log message mismatch After developers copy and paste a piece of code to another method or class, they may forget to change the log message. void scaleup() {
Duplicate log in polymorphism logs are same in classes implementing same interfaces, causing confusion class A implements C {
class B implements C {

Papers on Improving Logging


  • [ICD '09] A Logging Approach for Effective Dependability Evaluation of Complex Systems. Marcello Cinque, Domenico Cotroneo, and Antonio Pecchia.
  • [OSDI '12] Be Conservative: Enhancing Failure Diagnosis with Proactive Logging.Ding Yuan, Soyeon Park, Peng Huang, Yang Liu, Michael M. Lee, Xiaoming Tang, Yuanyuan Zhou, and Stefan Savage.
  • [TSE '13] Event Logs for the Analysis of Software Failures: A Rule-Based Approach. Marcello Cinque, Domenico Cotroneo, and Antonio Pecchia.
  • [ICSE-C '14] Where do developers log? an empirical study on logging practices in industry. Qiang Fu, Jieming Zhu, Wenlu Hu, Jian-Guang Lou, Rui Ding, Qingwei Lin, Dongmei Zhang, and Tao Xie.
  • [ICSE '15] Learning to Log: Helping Developers Make Informed Logging Decisions. Jieming Zhu, Pinjia He, Qiang Fu, Hongyu Zhang, Michael R. Lyu, and Dongmei Zhang.
  • [ATC '15] Log2: A Cost-Aware Logging Mechanism for Performance Diagnosis. Rui Ding, Hucheng Zhou, Jian-Guang Lou, Hongyu Zhang, Qingwei Lin, Qiang Fu, Dongmei Zhang, and Tao Xie.
  • [COMPSAC '16] LogOptPlus: Learning to Optimize Logging in Catch and If Programming Constructs. Sangeeta Lal, Neetu Sardana, and Ashish Sureka. 2016.
  • [ISEC '16] LogOpt: Static Feature Extraction from Source Code for Automated Catch Block Logging Prediction. Sangeeta Lal and Ashish Sureka.
  • [ISSREW '18] Machine Deserves Better Logging: A Log Enhancement Approach for Automatic Fault Diagnosis. Tong Jia, Ying Li, Chengbo Zhang, Wensheng Xia, Jie Jiang, and Yuhong Liu. 2018.
  • [HotOS '17] The Game of Twenty Questions: Do You Know Where to Log? Xu Zhao, Kirk Rodrigues, Yu Luo, Michael Stumm, Ding Yuan, and Yuanyuan Zhou.
  • [SOSP '17] Log20: Fully Automated Optimal Placement of Log Printing Statements under Specified Overhead Threshold. Xu Zhao, Kirk Rodrigues, Yu Luo, Michael Stumm, Ding Yuan, and Yuanyuan Zhou.
  • [SANER '18] SMARTLOG: Place error log statement by deep understanding of log intention. Zhouyang Jia, Shanshan Li, Xiaodong Liu, Xiangke Liao, and Yunhuai Liu. 2018.
  • [ICPE '18] Log4Perf: Suggesting Logging Locations for Web-based Systems’ Performance Monitoring. Kundi Yao, Guilherme B. de Pádua, Weiyi Shang, Steve Sporea, Andrei Toma, and Sarah Sajedi.


  • [SLAML '10] A Graphical Representation for Identifier Structure in Logs. Ariel Rabkin, Wei Xu, Avani Wildani, Armando Fox, David A. Patterson, and Randy H. Katz.
  • [ASPLOS '11] Improving Software Diagnosability via Log Enhancement. Ding Yuan, Jing Zheng, Soyeon Park, Yuanyuan Zhou, and Stefan Savage.
  • [EMSE '17] Which log level should developers choose for a new logging statement? Heng Li, Weiyi Shang, and Ahmed E. Hassan.
  • [ASE '18] Characterizing the natural language descriptions in software logging statements. Pinjia He, Zhuangbin Chen, Shilin He, and Michael R. Lyu.


  • [ICSE '12] Characterizing logging practices in open-source software. Ding Yuan, Soyeon Park, and Yuanyuan Zhou.
  • [ICSE '17] Characterizing and detecting anti-patterns in the logging code. Boyuan Chen and Zhen Ming (Jack) Jiang.
  • [APSEC '18] An Automatic Approach to Validating Log Levels in Java. Tae-young Kim, Suntae Kim, Cheol-Jung Yoo, Soohwan Cho, and Sooyong Park.
  • [EMSE '17] Towards just-in-time suggestions for log changes. Heng Li, Weiyi Shang, Ying Zou, and Ahmed E. Hassan.
  • [EMSE '19] Shanshan Li, Xu Niu, Zhouyang Jia, Xiang-Ke Liao, Ji Wang, and Tao Li. 2019. Guiding log revisions by learning from software evolution history.
  • [ICSE '19] Zhenhao Li, Tse-Hsun (Peter) Chen, Jinqiu Yang, and Weiyi Shang. 2019. Dlfinder: characterizing and detecting duplicate logging code smells.
  • [EMSE '19] Extracting and studying the Logging-Code-Issue-Introducing changes in Java-based large-scale open source software systems. Boyuan Chen and Zhen Ming (Jack) Jiang.

Empirical Studies

  • [ICSE '12] Characterizing logging practices in open-source software. Ding Yuan, Soyeon Park, and Yuanyuan Zhou.
  • [ICSE-C '14] Where do developers log? an empirical study on logging practices in industry. Qiang Fu, Jieming Zhu, Wenlu Hu, Jian-Guang Lou, Rui Ding, Qingwei Lin, Dongmei Zhang, and Tao Xie.
  • [ICSE '15] Industry Practices and Event Logging: Assessment of a Critical Software Development Process. Antonio Pecchia, Marcello Cinque, Gabriella Carrozza, and Domenico Cotroneo.
  • [MSR '16] Logging library migrations: a case study for the apache software foundation projects. Suhas Kabinna, Cor-Paul Bezemer, Weiyi Shang, and Ahmed E. Hassan.
  • [SANER '16] Examining the Stability of Logging Statements. Suhas Kabinna, Weiyi Shang, Cor-Paul Bezemer, and Ahmed E. Hassan.
  • [ICSE '16] The bones of the system: a case study of logging and telemetry at Microsoft. Titus Barik, Robert DeLine, Steven M. Drucker, and Danyel Fisher.
  • [EMSE '17] Characterizing logging practices in Java-based open source software projects - a replication study in Apache Software Foundation. Boyuan Chen and Zhen Ming (Jack) Jiang.
  • [ASE '18] Characterizing the natural language descriptions in software logging statements. Pinjia He, Zhuangbin Chen, Shilin He, and Michael R. Lyu.
  • [EMSE '19] Studying the characteristics of logging practices in mobile apps: a case study on F-Droid. Yi Zeng, Jinfu Chen, Weiyi Shang, and Tse-Hsun Chen.

Tools and Datasets