
Like gofmt, but for Markdown.

Primary LanguageGo


Like gofmt, but for Markdown.

Markdown Format Demo


$ go get -u github.com/shurcooL/markdownfmt

Add $GOPATH/bin to your $PATH or copy $GOPATH/bin/markdownfmt to your $PATH.

Don't have Go on OSX?

Install it via Homebrew:

brew install go mercurial
go get -u github.com/shurcooL/markdownfmt
mkdir ~/gocode

Add to bash profile (~/.bash_profile or ~/.profile):

export GOPATH="$HOME/gocode"
export PATH="$PATH:$GOPATH/bin"


usage: markdownfmt [flags] [path ...]
  -d=false: display diffs instead of rewriting files
  -l=false: list files whose formatting differs from markdownfmt's
  -w=false: write result to (source) file instead of stdout

Editor Plugins

  • markdown-format for Atom.
  • Built-in in Conception.
  • Add a plugin for your favorite editor here?