Compare complex objects with ease. This library provides a simple API to create complex comparators and keep them understandable for humans.
The comparator is heavily inspired by the Comparator from Java.
The library provides some simple functions and can be easily extended to complex comparators:
import { comparing } from "@nemoinho/comparator-js";
type Person = {
name: string;
originCountry: string;
const people = [/* people here */]
const comparator =
// create a new sorted list
// or sort existing list in place
The library provides the following functions:
comparing<T>(valueExtractor, keyComparator?): Comparator<T>
Create a comparator which compares objects of Type T.
: The valueExtractor can either be a field-name of T or a function which extracts a value from a given object T.
: An optional comparator to compare the extracted value.
The default comparator is capable of comparing string and numbers, all other types will be considered equal!
comparingSimpleString(keyComparator?): Comparator<string>
comparingSimpleNumber(keyComparator?): Comparator<number>
Create a comparator to compare string/numbers instead of objects.
: An optional comparator to compare the extracted value.
The default comparator is capable of comparing string and numbers, all other types will be considered equal!
Comparator<T>.thenComparing(valueExtractor, keyComparator?): Comparator<T>
Chains another comparison onto the comparator, note that this is only executed if the previous comparisons resulted in equal objects.
: The valueExtractor can either be a field-name of T or a function which extracts a value from a given object T.
: An optional comparator to compare the extracted value.
The default comparator is capable of comparing string and numbers, all other types will be considered equal!
Comparator<T>.reverse(): Comparator<T>
Reverses the result of the current comparator.
Comparator<T>.thenComparingReverse(valueExtractor, keyComparator?): Comparator<T>
A convenience method which combines thenComparing()
and reverse()
Comparator<T>.sort(list): Array<T>
This method returns a sorted version of the given list, which is sorted by this comparator.