Screenshots of Leetcode Editorials and Premium Problems
Leetcode Editorials are in-depth articles which explain how to approach and solve a problem. About 50% of problems have editorials. They are premium-only.
Open the below links in a new tab with CNTRL + Click or COMMAND + Click
Editorial code is available under the editorial_code folder of the project (credit to @raghavrambo007)
About 10% of leetcode problem are premium-only.
Open the below links in a new tab with CNTRL + Click or COMMAND + Click.
This project uses selenium to programmatically screenshot all editorials and problems.
Please report any Issues, such as
- Blurry images
- Improperly cropped images
- Problems that I skipped over
Potential future improvements for the project include:
- Screenshot the starting code for premium problems
- Screenshot the editorials for multiple languages (C++, Java, Python) instead of just the default of C++
- Make sure that the code in the editorials is fully shown (sometimes it is hidden by scroll)
- Regular updates to include new problems
I am done working on the project for now, but if this becomes popular and people start using it, I may do more. If you want a feature, open an Issue, and I may do it. Please reach out if you are interested in contributing.
When creating issues, note that some problems that leetcode says have editorials, actually do not:
- 145,Binary Tree Postorder Traversal,
- 264,Ugly Number II,
- 351,Android Unlock Patterns,
- 459,Repeated Substring Pattern,
- 519,Random Flip Matrix,
- 564,Find the Closest Palindrome,
- 661,Image Smoother,
- 675,Cut Off Trees for Golf Event,
- 676,Implement Magic Dictionary,
- 711,Number of Distinct Islands II,
- 730,Count Different Palindromic Subsequences,
- 749,Contain Virus,
- 762,Prime Number of Set Bits in Binary Representation,
- 773,Sliding Puzzle,
- 779,K-th Symbol in Grammar,
- 818,Race Car,
- 840,Magic Squares In Grid,
- 861,Score After Flipping Matrix,
- 874,Walking Robot Simulation,
- 898,Bitwise ORs of Subarrays,
- 939,Minimum Area Rectangle,
- 992,Subarrays with K Different Integers,