
The RethinkDNS resolver that deploys to Cloudflare Workers and Deno Deploy

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

This is free, open source RethinkDNS serverless DoH and DoT resolvers with custom blocklists that can be hosted on cloudflare, fly.io and deno-deploy. This initiative is to provide first level of anti-censorship and data privacy to every person on the earth.

For the People

Using Cloudflare

Difficulty: Easy

Supports DoH resolver only

  1. Hosting

    • Rethink serverless can be hosted to cloudflare (user will be liable for cloudflare billing).
    • click below button to deploy

      Deploy to Cloudflare Workers
  2. Configure

    • Once the hosting is successful, lets consider rethink serverless dns is hosted to example.com.
    • To configure your dns level blocking visit to example.com/configure which will take to configuration page, which currently contains 171 blocklists with 5 Million too block domains in category like notracking, dating, gambling, privacy, porn, cryptojacking, security ...
    • Navigate through and select your blocklists.
    • Once selected you can find your domain name example.com followed by configuration token on screen like this https://example.com/1:AIAA7g== copy it and add to your dns DOH client.
    • Now your own trusted dns resolver with custom blocking is up and running.
  3. Change Resolver

    • By default dns request are resolved by cloudflare cloudflare-dns.com.
    • To change resolver login to your cloudflare dash board
      • click on worker
      • click on serverless-dns worker
      • click on Settings tab
      • under Environment Variables click on Edit variables
      • if your new DOH resolver url is example.dns.resolver.com/dns-query/resolve
      • change below variables and click on save button
        CF_DNS_RESOLVER_URL = example.dns.resolver.com/dns-query/resolve

Using Deno-Deploy

Difficulty: Moderate

Supports DoH resolver only

User will be liable for fly.io billing

  1. Fork this repository (You will need a GitHub account).
  2. In your fork, click on the Actions tab and Confirm that you want to use Actions, if asked.
  3. Click on "🦕 Deno deploy" on the left pane. Click on the "Run workflow" dropdown on the right side, and run the workflow using the Run workflow button.
  4. Now, navigate to deno.com/deploy and Sign Up for an account.
  5. Create a new project in deno deploy dash. Name it appropriately.
  6. Click on "Continue" button under "Deploy from GitHub" and proceed to install the GitHub app on your GitHub Account. Make sure you give access the fork you had made in step 1.
  7. Now, head back the deno dash and select the repository as the fork you had made in step 1 for integration. And branch as "build/deno-deploy/dev". And select the file as "http.bundle.js".
  8. In this deno project, navigate to Settings -> Environment variables. Add the essential environment variables as described .env.example file. Values of the required variables can be inferred from wrangler.toml and fly.toml files.
  9. Done. Now your DoH resolver should be available on https://<name>.deno.dev, where <name> is the name of the project you had created on step 5.

Using Fly.io

Difficulty: Hard

Supports both DoH and DoT resolver

User will be liable for fly.io billing

  1. Install flyctl on your device. Please refer to fly.io docs for the same.
  2. Signup or Login to fly.io. Please refer to fly.io docs for the same.
  3. Create an empty directory anywhere on your PC. Open you terminal or powershell and navigate to this directory.
  4. Launch a fly app
    flyctl launch
    • Choose a unique name here or let it auto-generate.
    • Choose a location (closest to you would be better for you to use).
    • Note down the name of the app and you may delete this directory along with the generated fly.toml.
  5. Now, you would need a SSL or TLS certificate for your domain name. Both getting a domain name and CA certificate generation are beyond the scope of this README.
  6. Once you have your CA certificate and key files, you need to encode them as base64 with no wrapping. How this can be done in bash terminal is shown below.
    # Locate your CA certificate & key files
    # Encode them in base64 with no wrappings and store them in variables
    B64NOWRAP_KEY="$(base64 -w0 "$KEY")"
    B64NOWRAP_CRT="$(base64 -w0 "$CRT")"
  7. As described in .env.example file, this base64 encoded certificate-key pair need to set as a single environment variable called TLS_. Within this variable, the certificate and key encodings needs to be separated by a newline (\n) and described by CRT= and KEY=. On a bash terminal this can be done by following steps continued by by above.
    # This creates a single file called "FLY_TLS" in the current directory
    echo "KEY=$B64NOWRAP_KEY" > FLY_TLS
    echo "CRT=$B64NOWRAP_CRT" >> FLY_TLS
    # And now, this "FLY_TLS" file contains both certificate and key encoded and
    # as required
    • Upload this to fly secrets like so in terminal or powershell:
       fly secrets set TLS_=- < FLY_TLS -a app-id
      where "app-id" is the name of the fly app you had launched in step 4.
    • Other essential environment variables are already present in fly.toml file of this repository, but you may read .env.example for it's use case and configuration.
  8. Fork this repository (You will need a GitHub account).
  9. In your fork, click on the Actions tab and Confirm that you want to use Actions, if asked.
  10. Similarly, click on Settings tab and select Secrets on the left pane. Add a new GitHub secret called FLY_APP_NAME and set it's value as the name of the fly app you had launched in step 4. And add another secret called FLY_API_TOKEN and set's value as what you get from running flyctl auth token in terminal or powershell.
  11. Head back to Actions tab and click on "🪰 Fly" on the left pane. Click on the "Run workflow" dropdown on the right side, and run the workflow using the Run workflow button.
  12. Once this action workflow finishes, open the terminal or powershell again and type in:
    flyctl ips list -a [app-id]
    • Here, you can get the IP address of the application, update the DNS records of your domain name you had used in step 5.
  13. Done. Your application should be available on the said domain name in a few minutes. To configure, say, to change the upstream resolver, you can edit the environment variables on fly.toml file of your fork and re-run the Action workflow.

For the Developers



deno run --allow-net --allow-env --allow-read --import-map=import_map.json http.ts

List of environment variables can be found in .env.example file. Load them as required. For convenience, you can also put them in a .env file and they will also be loaded into the environment.



node server.js

Proxies DNS over HTTPS & DNS over TLS requests to the main app (index.js).

List of environment variables can be found in .env.example file. Load them as required. For convenience in non-production environment, you can also put them in a .env file and they will be loaded into the environment if not already present.


The flow of rethink dns is based on plugin module, current plugin flow is as below. Five plugins are currently loaded.

  1. CommandControl
    This is optional plugin used to provide command to rethink serverless dns using GET request.
  2. UserOperation
    This plugin loads current user details if not found in cache.
    e.g. dns resolve google.com request to rethink serverless cloudflare resolver https://example.com/1:AIAA7g==, configuration string 1:AIAA7g== is treated as user id and loads selected blocklists files for configuration string and cache it under user id.
  3. DNSBlock
    This is optional plugin used to check whether requested domain should be blocked or processed further.
  4. DNSResolver
    This plugin forward dns request to upstream resolver based on environment variable CF_DNS_RESOLVER_URL if not blocked by DNSBlock plugin.
  5. DNSCnameBlock
    This is optional plugin used to check whether dns resolved response contains cname and cname has blocked domain name, if cname has blocked domain name then request is blocked.

Custom Plugin

Custom plugins can be developed by adding following function to class

export class CustomPlugin {
	constructor() {
	async RethinkModule(param) {
		let response = {};
		response.isException = false;
		response.exceptionStack = "";
		response.exceptionFrom = "";
		response.data = {};
		try {
		} catch (e) {
			response.isException = true;
			response.exceptionStack = e.stack;
			response.exceptionFrom = "CustomPlugin RethinkModule";
		return response;
  • RethinkModule(param) is entry point for every plugin.
  • Inside RethinkModule method your custom logic can be build for your rethink serverless dns.
  • example if published to npm as @your-plugin/plugin
  • add your plugin to rethink serverless dns at plugin.js
 * Import and Initialize plugins
import { CustomPlugin } from "@your-plugin/plugin";
const customPlugin = new CustomPlugin();

// Start RethinkPlugin constructor

 * Here, register the plugins that should run before custom plugin if any.
 * So as if any of it's output is available to the next plugin. For example,
 * "userBlocklistInfo" is the output of "userOperation" plugin and is only
 * available after it's run.

 * custom plugin registration
	["event", "userBlocklistInfo", "dnsResolverResponse"],

 * Here, register the plugins that should run after custom plugin if any.

// End RethinkPlugin constructor

 * custom plugin call back after execution
function customCallBack(response, currentRequest) {
	if (response.isException) {
		loadException(response, currentRequest);
	} else if (response.data.decision) {
		currentRequest.stopProcessing = true;
	} else {
		// "customResponse" param can be registered and passed onto next plugin
		this.registerParameter("customResponse", response.data);
  • this.registerPlugin(Plugin_Name, Plugin_Object , [Parameters_to_Plugin], Plugin_Callback_Function, Plugin_Execution_After_StopProcessing)
    • Plugin_Name - string denotes name of the plugin.
    • Plugin_Object - object of plugin class, which implements RethinkModule function within class.
    • Parameters_to_Plugin - list of parameters passed to RethinkModule function.
    • Plugin_Callback_Function - function that will be called back after plugin execution with plugin response and current request object.
    • Plugin_Execution_After_StopProcessing - boolean indicates the plugin execution status after currentRequest.stopProcessing is set.
  • In the example snippet above, three parameters are passed to custom rethink module
    • event parameter passed by worker
    • userBlocklistInfo is output of userOperation plugin
    • dnsResolverResponse is output of dnsResolver plugin
  • Once plugin execution is done customCallBack function is initiated with plugin response and currentRequest.
  • Inside the plugin call-back based on the plugin response dns process can be stopped or moved further by saving response this.registerParameter("parameter-name", parameter data).
  • By setting currentRequest.stopProcessing = true, no further plugin will be executed except if Plugin Execution After StopProcessing is set to true.
  • Publish to cloudflare with updated plugin which will reflect to all your pointed devices.