
Ansible Kibana (5.x) role for the Elastic Stack

MIT LicenseMIT

Ansible Role: Kibana Build Status

This role installs and configures Kibana 5.x for the Elastic stack.

It has only been designed to work on Ubuntu 16.04, but other Debian flavours should also work.



Role Variables

kibana_config_settings is a YAML dictionary used to fully configure Kibana. The contents of this variable are written the configuration file in YAML format. Therefore, it accepts any valid configuration property supported by Kibana.

kibana_install_state: This is useful for updating Kibana to newer versions after it has already been installed. Use latest to achieve this functionality.


Documentation related to Kibana can be found at the links below:


None, but you may want to run Kibana behind a proxy - I recommend using the geerlingguy.nginx role.

Check out my other roles on Ansible Galaxy if you are installing the entire Elastic Stack.

Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
  become: yes

    - role: jradtilbrook.kibana
