Irene Canuti | Junior Developer CV

Irene Canuti

After managing projects in branding and product development - juggling between Tech, Design and Marketing - I realised something very simple: I am a Maker. I like making things real, from ideation to implementation. The digital world is a place where one can see products evolve, and ideas grow quickly. I want to be part of this world with what I design and build every day. I have a passion for UX and Human Centred Design, and hands-on experience with communication design, programming, hardware, 3D printing and iterative development.

I lived and worked in Italy, China and the UK. I am now looking for interesting projects and amazing teams to work with.


For a complete list, see my GitHub.

Description Technologies Testing Link
Makers Rooms : an Alexa Skill to manage bookings JS, Node.js, Alexa SDK, AWS, dynamoDB Alexa App Server, Mocha, Chai Project's GitHub Repository
Arya Stark's List : A React app. Add names, Kill or Resuscitate. React, Redux, Node.js, HTML5/CSS, Bootstrap, FontAwesome enzyme, selenium, WebdriverIO, chai Project's GitHub Repository
Minimax tic-tac-toe : Tic-tac-toe game with an unbeatable computer as optional player. JS, jQuery, HTML5, Bootstrap Jasmine Project's GitHub Repository
Mood search : A React web app. Type in a string and find out how Happy you are. React, Webpack, Node.js, HTML5/CSS, Bootstrap, FontAwesome - Project's GitHub Repository
Instapics : Instagram clone Ruby, Rails, AWS S3 Bucket RSpec, Capybara Project's GitHub Repository
CapyBnB : an Airbnb copy... with a twist. Ruby, Sinatra, Bootstrap, PostgreSQL RSpec, Capybara Project's GitHub Repository


Personal Skills

Curious Quick learner
I pick up on things quickly. During the Alexa Skill project I embraced a whole new tech stack in 2 weeks, learning and implementing solutions on the go. Also, during my BA I learned graphic and web design online. A hobby that led me to freelance for charities and organisations such as the Italian Red Cross.

Team player
Collaboration forces us to consider different ways of looking at issues. It can be tough when there are different skill levels and personalities in the room, so I found trying out things and have honest discussions around validated learning to be a gamechanger.

Natural planner
During Unlimited Lab's R&D phase I was able to break down tasks, anticipate challenges and time frames for the development of the product, at the same time communicating effectively with the team and adapting the overall plan based on findings and feedback.

My passion for research in any field has always helped my strategic and creative thinking in work and life when making informed decisions. As a Guest Lecturer in a Business School I was able to find resources to support a more qualitative, impactful and value-driven approach to doing business.

I am good at finding connections between different domains and disciplines. It is the way to innovation I believe. At Togada Studio, I helped the founders find their real fit to market pivoting towards a different business model, also improving the overall happiness of their team.

Problem solver
I feel comfortable with uncertainty because it is raw material: everything is possible. For example, when developing a 3D printed gadget, I helped the lead designer rethinking the structure to be self-supportive, thus saving material and printing time and also giving the object a distinctive design.

I adapt quickly based on needs. As an example, I was hired as Web Marketing Assistant at yousporty.com but when I left I was actually organizing the day-to-day work of their web development team.

I care about the quality of the code I write, I care about the people I work with, I care about business and users’ needs, and I care about the value I can deliver doing what I love the best way possible.


Technology, Robotics, DIY, Internet of Things, UX and UI, Meditation & Yoga, Circular Economy & Zero Waste, Hiking, Travelling, Storytelling.

Professional Experience

London, UK
(May 2017 to August 2017)
Programmer Analyst - Full Stack
Developing a Proof of Concept in Angular 4 and D3.js

Unlimited Lab LTD
London, UK
(June 2016 to April 2017)
Founder and MD
Developing an innovative product for 3D printing. Mainly taking care of operations, brand and product management with a focus on HCD.

Guest lecturer
London, UK
(October 2016 to November 2016)
Lectures and workshops in rapid-prototyping and lean startup.

Togada Studio
London, UK
(January 2016 to June 2016)
Head of Digital and UX
Supporting the Design, Marketing and R&D departments.

Designer and Project Manager
Padua, Italy | Shanghai, China | London, UK
(February 2013 to January 2016)
Mostly Brand identity and Digital Strategy, with a focus on User and Market Research. Building and facilitating creative teams.

Padua, Italy
(July 2011 to February 2013)
Web Marketing Assistant
Connecting Marketing and Web Development departments. Working on Web Design, Visual Identity and Branding.

London, UK
(February 2011 to June 2011)
Media Planner
Defining "walled gardens" for Ad campaigns. Creation of business presentations for clients and investors.

Additional experience with:

  • Adobe CS: Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign
  • Wordpress


Makers Academy (November 2016 to March 2017)

  • Curiosity and passion for code
  • Independent learner and problem-solver
  • Pair programming
  • XP Values and Agile methodologies
  • Software Craftsmanship

Kingston University (September 2014 to January 2016)

MA Communication Design & the Creative Economy

  • Creative Economy
  • Design Thinking
  • Lean Startup
  • Human Centered Design
  • Conducting collaborative creativity
  • Designing Research

Università degli Studi di Siena (September 2005 to July 2010)

BA Communication Sciences

  • Social and Behavioural sciences
  • Semiotics
  • Linguistics
  • Cultural Economics
  • New media
  • Marketing


PRINCE2® Practitioner
Certificate in Project Management
(December 2015 - December 2020)


linkedIn | uk.linkedin.com/in/irenecanuti/en
twitter | @irenecanuti_tro