Airbnb Clone Project

Welcome to our Airbnb Clone project! This project aims to replicate the core functionality of the popular accommodation rental platform Airbnb. Whether you're a developer looking to contribute or a user interested in trying out our application, this file will guide you through the setup and usage of our Airbnb Clone.

AirBnB Clone Command Interpreter


The AirBnB Clone Command Interpreter is a tool that allows users to interact with the system by entering commands through a text-based interface. In this simplified version, the focus is on managing information about people. The command interpreter enables users to create, update, and delete records of individuals, as well as list all the people in the system. Additionally, it provides functionality to save and load data to and from a file.

How to Start It:

Clone the Repository:

Clone the AirBnB Clone repository to your local machine.


git clone Navigate to the Project Directory:

Change into the project directory.


cd AirBnB_clone Run the Command Interpreter:

Start the command interpreter by running the script.



How to Use It:

The command interpreter provides various commands for managing people records. Here are the available commands and their usage:

Create a Person:

Syntax: create Example: create Alice 30 This command adds a new person with the specified name and age to the system.

Update a Person:

Syntax: update Example: update 0 name Jane This command updates the specified attribute (e.g., name) of the person at the given index.

Destroy a Person:

Syntax: destroy Example: destroy 1 This command removes the person at the specified index from the system.

List All People:

Syntax: list Example: list This command displays a list of all people in the system, including their names and ages.

Save to a File:

Syntax: save Example: save data.json This command saves the current data (people records) to a JSON file with the specified filename.

Load from a File:

Syntax: load Example: load data.json This command loads data from a previously saved JSON file, restoring the system's state.

Exit the Console:

Syntax: exit Example: exit This command exits the command interpreter, ending the session.


create Alice 30 create Bob 22 list

Output: json [ {"name": "Alice", "age": 30}, {"name": "Bob", "age": 22} ]

update 0 name Jane destroy 1 list

Output: json [ {"name": "Jane", "age": 30} ]

save data.json exit This sequence of commands saves the current data to a file named "data.json" and exits the command interpreter.


Chinenye Genevieve Onyema
Oluwatobiloba Ojo


Appreciation goes ALX Software Engineers for the learning opportunity and engaging projects. Thanks to the creators of Airbnb for inspiring this project. Special thanks to us the contributors for our valuable efforts. Built with ❤️ and ☕️.