
Predicting TAC values based on accelerometer data

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Predicting TAC values based on accelerometer data


  • The analysis is based on Bar Crawl: Detecting Heavy Drinking Data Set from UCI.
  • Download the dataset and copy the data folder into src directory
  • Make sure you have the required libraries installed if you want to run the code. Use the included requirements.txt to install the libraries using pip. pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Open Analysis.ipynb for the full analysis details.
  • Run python app.py to run the final python code. Run python app.py --preprocess to preprocess the data and regenerate the cache if needed.

Sample Run

Training the neural network
Distribution of Intoxicated class in the dataset is 30.0%
Cross validation F1 scores: [0.83306031 0.82328565 0.83571902 0.8187543  0.83191972]
Average cross validation F1: 0.8285477974485742
Cross validation time: 111.68637895584106 seconds
Time taken to train on full training set: 18.890563011169434 seconds

              precision    recall  f1-score   support

       Sober       0.91      0.85      0.88      3236
 Intoxicated       0.69      0.80      0.74      1388

    accuracy                           0.83      4624
   macro avg       0.80      0.82      0.81      4624
weighted avg       0.84      0.83      0.84      4624

Overall accuracy: 0.833044982698962
Sober accuracy: 0.8464153275648949
Intoxicated accuracy: 0.8018731988472623
Saved predictions to cache/predictions.csv
Total time taken: 113.113 seconds