This contract is used to add candidates relevant information, such as the candidate's github, social media account, and description.
mainnet: 0xb776afb6ad0c11565e70f8ee1dd898da43e51be1
testnet4: 0xe922910b49305ad00240cdd104fda6574e2f4d38
testnet5: 0x6177bfcef0f51b5dd21b183ff89e301b9c66d71c
Updates the committee information
ParameterName | Type | Description |
sender | Hash160 | Committee address. Signature is required |
name | String | Committee name |
location | String | Committee location |
website | String | Committee website url |
String | Committee email | |
github | String | Committee github account |
telegram | String | Committee telegram |
String | Committee twitter | |
description | String | Committee description |
logo | String | Committee logo's FS ID |
In the Neo-GUI Invoke Contract page, enter the contract script hash and select the invoke method to setInfo
. Then fill in the information fields that appears. In Cosigners
, the sender's signature is required.
- If you choose invoking contract by CLI, you can't add blank in a single param. Otherwise, it will be regarded as two param. Please try
as value type for any blank needed situation. - Example: {"type":"ByteArray","value":"QlVJTERJTkcgQkxPQ0tTIEZPUiBUSEUgTkVYVCBHRU5FUkFUSU9OIElOVEVSTkVU"}
- Official converter page: (try to input String and get Base64 encoding)
- For
param, please use FS service here to upload logo file of your institution and copy the objectId to theLogo
param. We recommend use a square logo image (e.g. 100x100)
Use the CLI command invoke:
invoke <scriptHash> <operation> [contractParameters=null] [sender=null] [signerAccounts=null][maxGas]
contractParameters cannot contain whitespace, please use "ByteArray" type and base64 string value to input long string.
invoke 0xe922910b49305ad00240cdd104fda6574e2f4d38 setInfo [{"type":"Hash160","value":"0x429688538c267d5da7a03fbe7b8e4cf45d6e9826"},{"type":"String","value":"MyName"},{"type":"String","value":"MyLocation"},{"type":"String","value":""},{"type":"String","value":""},{"type":"String","value":"mygithub"},{"type":"String","value":"mytelegram"},{"type":"String","value":"mytwitter"},{"type":"ByteArray","value":"VGhpcyBpcyBhbiBleGFtcGxlLg=="},{"type":"String","value":"mylogoID"}] NPS3U9PduobRCai5ZUdK2P3Y8RjwzMVfSg NPS3U9PduobRCai5ZUdK2P3Y8RjwzMVfSg