
This project provides procedures and functions to support machine learning applications with Neo4j.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Neo4j Machine Learning Procedures (WIP)

Build state

This project provides procedures and functions to support machine learning applications with Neo4j.

This project requires Neo4j 3.2.x


  1. Download the jar from the latest release or build it locally

  2. Copy it into your $NEO4J_HOME/plugins directory.

  3. Restart your server.

Built in classification and regression (WIP)

CALL ml.create("model",{types},"output",{config}) YIELD model, state, info

CALL ml.add("model", {inputs}, given)  YIELD model, state, info

CALL ml.train() YIELD model, state, info

CALL ml.predict("model", {inputs}) YIELD value [, confidence]

CALL ml.remove(model) YIELD model, state

Example: IRIS Classification from Encog

CALL ml.create("iris",
  {sepalLength: "float", sepalWidth: "float", petalLength: "float", petalWidth: "float", kind: "class"}, "kind",{});
LOAD CSV FROM "https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/iris/iris.data" AS row
CALL ml.add('iris', {sepalLength: row[0], sepalWidth: row[1], petalLength: row[2], petalWidth: row[3]}, row[4])
YIELD state
WITH collect(distinct state) as states, collect(distinct row[4]) as kinds

CALL ml.train('iris')  YIELD state, info

RETURN state, states, kinds, info;
│"state"│"states"    │"kinds"                                           │"info"                                                                │
│       │            │                                                  │lizationHelper:\n[ColumnDefinition:sepalLength(continuous);low=4,30000│
│       │            │                                                  │0,high=7,900000,mean=5,843333,sd=0,825301]\n[ColumnDefinition:petalLen│
│       │            │                                                  │gth(continuous);low=1,000000,high=6,900000,mean=3,758667,sd=1,758529]\│
│       │            │                                                  │n[ColumnDefinition:sepalWidth(continuous);low=2,000000,high=4,400000,m│
│       │            │                                                  │ean=3,054000,sd=0,432147]\n[ColumnDefinition:petalWidth(continuous);lo│
│       │            │                                                  │w=0,100000,high=2,500000,mean=1,198667,sd=0,760613]\n[ColumnDefinition│
│       │            │                                                  │:kind(nominal);[Iris-setosa, Iris-versicolor, Iris-virginica]]\n]","tr│
│       │            │                                                  │ainingError":0.034672103747075696,"selectedMethod":"[BasicNetwork: Lay│
│       │            │                                                  │ers=3]","validationError":0.05766172747088482}                        │
LOAD CSV FROM "https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/iris/iris.data" AS row
WITH state, info, row limit 10

CALL ml.predict("iris", {sepalLength: row[0], sepalWidth: row[1], petalLength: row[2], petalWidth: row[3]})
YIELD value as prediction

RETURN row[4] as correct, prediction, state, row;
│"correct"    │"prediction" │"state"│"row"                                  │
CALL ml.remove('iris') YIELD model, state;

Manual neural network operations (TODO)

apoc.ml.propagate(network, {inputs}) yield {outputs}
apoc.ml.backprop(network, {output}) yield {network}

Future plans include storing networks from the common machine learning libraries (TensorFlow, Deeplearning4j, Encog etc.) as executable Network structures in Neo4j.

Building it yourself

This project uses maven, to build a jar-file with the procedure in this project, simply package the project with maven:

mvn clean package

This will produce a jar-file,target/neo4j-ml-procedures-*-SNAPSHOT.jar, that can be copied in the $NEO4J_HOME/plugins directory of your Neo4j instance.


Apache License V2, see LICENSE

Next Steps

  • Normalization / Classification for dl4j

  • Push frameworks to separate modules

  • Support external frameworks

  • Store / Load models from graph

  • Expose simple ML functions / propagation/ backprop on graph structures as procedures and functions

  • Load PMML

  • More fine-grained configuration (JSON) for Networks

  • K-Means, Classification, Regression

  • Spark ML-Lib