RealWorld Example App


Neo4j & Golang (using the Neo4j driver) codebase containing real world examples (CRUD, auth, advanced patterns, etc) that adheres to the RealWorld spec and API.


Make sure to install a recent Golang version.


As simple as:

go build ./cmd/conduit


First, make sure to configure the application to target your specific Neo4j instance. All settings are mandatory.

Environment variable Description
NEO4J_URI Connection URI of the instance (e.g. bolt://localhost, neo4j+s://
NEO4J_USERNAME Username of the account to connect with (must have read & write permissions)
NEO4J_PASSWORD Password of the account to connect with (must have read & write permissions)

Then, just execute:


You can also skip the build command and directly execute:

go run ./cmd/conduit/

And exercise the application with Postman (see the collection file) at localhost:3000.