
OSCON Twitter Graph. Loads tweets from Twitter API mentioning OSCON or Neo4j into a Neo4j Graph Database for analysis.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

(OSCON) Twitter Graph

Small Python sample app to load tweets for a certain twitter search continuously into a Neo4j instance and a webapp to render them with vivagraph.js (webgl)

You can read the blog post for details.

There is also a GraphGist explaining the model and some use-case queries in detail.

image04.png? ga=1.207666834.149316633

The application uses the official Neo4j-Python-Driver which supports the binary bolt protocol. So it only works with Neo4j 3.x and later.



Start your neo4j server or provision a hosted server, e.g. at graphenedb.com or addons.heroku.com/graphenedb

export NEO4J_URL=http://localhost:7474/db/data

python import.py

You can create a bearer token for yourself by sending this request to twitter:

curl -XPOST -u customer_id:customer_secret 'https://api.twitter.com/oauth2/token?grant_type=client_credentials'

This will yield:

{"token_type":"bearer","access_token":"....bearer token...."}


python app.py 8080

open http://localhost:8080

Push to Heroku

The application already contains a Procfile for Heroku to run with the port provided.

git init
heroku apps:create my-twitter-graph
heroku config:set NEO4J_URL=http://.....
git push heroku master

You can use a Neo4j instance on GrapheneDB for your experiment or create an ec2 instance yourself using the cloud formation template.

The import is not started automatically you can enable the worker in the Procfile to run the import automatically and continously.