
Use Neo4j with the New York Central Park geo data provided in OpenStreetMap

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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OpenStreetMap (OSM) Graph Example

Description: Use Neo4j with the global geodata provided in OpenStreetMap

Nodes 69165 Relationships 76040

Figure 1. Model
Figure 2. Example
Example Query:
MATCH (p1:PointOfInterest {type:$type}), (p2:PointOfInterest)
WHERE p1<>p2 AND distance(p1.location,p2.location) < 200
RETURN p2.name as name


This is for Neo4j version: 3.5,4.0

Rendered guide available from: :play openstreetmap

Data files: import/*.csv

Zip file: download the openstreetmap.zip and add it as "project from file" to a 3.5 database in Neo4j Desktop.

Code Examples


See /graphql directory for Node.js GraphQL API server example using @neo4j/graphql