
Unable to enable plugins and parse error in console

jkanche opened this issue · 1 comments

the neo4j service from my docker compose file looks like this

        image: neo4j:latest
        restart: always
            - 7474:7474  
            - 7687:7687 
            - NEO4J_AUTH=neo4j/$$$$  
            - NEO4JLABS_PLUGINS='["apoc", "n10s"]'

I want to use the neosemantics labs plugin but seem to be running into issues enabling this. I also notice a parse error from the console messages and if this is related to the issue -

neo4j_1  | Changed password for user 'neo4j'.
neo4j_1  | parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 1, column 2
neo4j_1  | 2021-06-16 23:13:46.207+0000 INFO  Starting...
neo4j_1  | 2021-06-16 23:13:48.616+0000 INFO  ======== Neo4j 4.3.0 ========
neo4j_1  | 2021-06-16 23:13:49.993+0000 INFO$SecurityLogLine@69ab2d6a
neo4j_1  | 2021-06-16 23:13:49.993+0000 INFO$SecurityLogLine@505a8582
neo4j_1  | 2021-06-16 23:13:50.208+0000 INFO  Bolt enabled on
neo4j_1  | 2021-06-16 23:13:51.326+0000 INFO  Remote interface available at http://localhost:7474/
neo4j_1  | 2021-06-16 23:13:51.330+0000 INFO  Started.

I appreciate any help with trying to run neosemantics

I was able to reproduce the issue with the code you provided.
I think it is an error in how you declared the NEO4JLABS_PLUGIN variable. I don't think docker-compose was able to parse it.

If I remove the single quotes around the value it worked as expected, so change it to NEO4JLABS_PLUGINS=["apoc", "n10s"] instead.