This is a very quick and dirty .net client for Troy Hunt's excellent PwnedPasswords service.
The library will call the PwnedPasswords service using a partial of a SHA1 hash of any password you give it. At no point does it send the password itself, or indeed anything except the first 5 characters of the SHA1 representation of that password.
This means you can safely check if a password is on a known password list without giving away the password itself.
Standard use:
// Create an instance of the client, then call CheckPassword:
var pwdClient = new PwnedPasswordsClient(); // Client instance, you can also pass in your own instance of HttpClient
if(pwdClient.CheckPassword("password")) // "password" can be any clear text password
// If the method returns true, the password was known
// If it returned false, the password is not currently known.
Console.WriteLine("Not pwned!");
You can also check a SHA1 directly, if you don't feel comfortable passing a raw password around:
Console.WriteLine("Not pwned!");
This library is in no way affiliated with, or endorsed by Troy Hunt, PwnedPasswords, HaveIBeenPwned or any of the services they provide.
This library has received MINIMAL testing at best - use at your own risk! Or just steal the code and make it better.