
This is me trying to put together the stamp generation in a docker container for convenience. Since the binaries are extracted from android you need to run them on linux so using docker is a rather easy way to make this easier.

All the hard work goes credit to @neoPix


docker buildx create --name arm-builder
docker buildx use arm-builder
docker buildx inspect --bootstrap
docker buildx build --platform=linux/arm64 -t hacksore/hks:arm . --load

Before you start

This docker is an ARM build, make sure you're running on a compatible machine or in a quemu environment. Once installed, run the following command to make it work with docker.

docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes


Run this to generate a Stamp header

docker run hacksore/hks "<hyundai|kia>" "<single|list>" "<input>"


docker run hacksore/hks "hyundai" "single" "99cfff84-f4e2-4be8-a5ed-e5b755eb6581:1614438506419"
docker run hacksore/hks "hyundai" "list" "99cfff84-f4e2-4be8-a5ed-e5b755eb6581" > list.txt
docker run hacksore/hks "kia" "list" "e7bcd186-a5fd-410d-92cb-6876a42288bd" > list.txt