
An efficient proof language

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

An lightweight proof-gramming language. It aims to be:

  • Fast: no garbage-collection, optimal beta-reduction, massively parallel compilers.

  • Secure: a powerful type system capable of proving mathematical theorems.

  • Portable: the entire language desugars to a 500 lines core type-theory.

Explore our ecosystem at moonad.org and come hang out with us on Telegram.

Table of contents


Knowing mathematics and programming might one day be one... fills you with determination.

Formality is the first programming language that features theorem proving and is simultaneously user-friendly, efficient and portable. Proof languages often have complex syntaxes that make them inaccessible to non-experts. Formality promotes a simple, clean syntax that feels familiar to common developers. Proof languages also tend to focus more on type-checking than on actually running programs. Formality prioritizes evaluation from the beginning, providing solid compilers to common targets such as JavaScript, Haskell and the EVM, and researching novel compilation techniques that may provide practical benefits, as well as asymptotical speedups over existing ones; check this multiplication algorithm for example. Finally, proof languages tend to be complex and big, which makes unportable and hard to audit. Formality compiles entirely to a 500 lines-of-code core type-theory, making it extremely portable and easily auditable.

"In the Truth Mines though, the tags weren't just references; they included complete statements of the particular definitions, axioms, or theorems the objects represented. The Mines were self-contained: every mathematical result that fleshers and their descendants had ever proven was on display in its entirety. The library's exegesis was helpful - but the truths themselves were all there."

Diaspora, Greg Egan



  • List functions:

    // Polymorphic List
    T List<A: Type>
    | nil;
    | cons(head: A, tail: List(A));
    // Mapping over a List
    map<A: Type, B: Type>(fn: A -> B, list: List(A)): List(B)
      case list:
      | nil  => [];
      | cons => cons<B>(fn(list.head), map<A,B>(fn, list.tail));
    // Safe head (using a `not_empty` proof)
    head<A: Type>(list: List(A), not_empty: list != []) : A
      case list:
      with nope : list.self != [] = not_empty;
      | nil  => Empty.absurd<A>(not_empty(_));
      | cons => list.head;
  • The Black Friday Theorem ("50% off of the double is the same"):

    // A natural number (non-negative integer)
    T Nat
    | zero;
    | succ(pred: Nat);
    // Double of a natural number
    double(n: Nat): Nat
      case n:
      | zero;
      | succ(succ(double(n.pred)));
    // Half of a natural number
    half(n: Nat): Nat
      case n:
      | zero;
      | case n.pred:
        | zero;
        | succ(half(n.pred.pred));;
    // Black Friday Theorem: 50% off of double is the same
    bft(n: Nat): half(double(n)) == n
      case n:
      | Equal.to<_,zero>;
      | Equal.apply<_,_,_,_,Nat.succ>(bft(n.pred));
      : half(double(n.self)) == n.self;
  • Handy syntax-sugars like if and for:

    summation(lim: Nat): Nat
      let sum = 0
      for i = 0 .. lim with sum:
        Nat.add(sum, i)
    show_age(age: U32): String
      if U32.gte(age, 12u) then
      else if U32.gte(age, 18u) then

TODO: include examples of Python-looking Formality for non-FP people.

TODO: link the upcoming "Why proof languages matter?" Moonad post.


  1. Install npm in your system.

  2. Install the language with npm i -g formality-lang.


The commands below operate on .fm files in the current directory.

  • fm: type-checks all top-level definitions.

  • fm term: type-checks and evaluates a term.

  • fm file.fm: type-checks a file.

  • fmjs term: compiles a term to JavaScript.

  • fmio term: compiles a term to JavaScript and runs.

  • fmopt term: runs a term Ξ²-optimally.

  • fm2fmc: compiles all terms to Formality-Core.

The commands below load all .fmc files in the current directory.

  • fmc: type-checks all top-level definitions.


Let's write "Hello, World!" in Formality!

First, create a new file somewhere called Hello.fm and add this text to it:

Hello.world: IO(Unit)
  IO.print("Hello, world!")

The first expression Hello.world defines a function called world in the Hello namespace (by default, all definitions must be namespaced with the same name as the file they're found in, except if your file is named global.fm). The type of this expression is IO(Unit) (more about that later in the tutorial).

Let's try running our little program. On a command line, enter:

fmio Hello.world

This will download the necessary dependencies, type check the new definitions, compile everything to Javascript, and run, printing Hello, world in the console. Let's look at each of these steps in a little more detail:

πŸ“¦ Dependencies

Formality will discover it doesn't have definitions for IO(Unit) and IO.print, and will download them from moonad.org. Formality doesn't have a notion of packages or a central package repository; instead, users can post definitions to Moonad, making them globally available for all other users, essentially extending the language itself. This is Formality's philosophy on pretty much everything: keep the language as small and diamond-perfect as possible, but make it easy to extend and share.

βœ”οΈ Type Checking

With all the definitions in place, Formality will make sure every definition fulfills its type. This process is much more powerful in Formality than in traditional languages: as in proof assistants like Coq and Agda, types can express deep properties about your programs, and Formality will make sure they hold (more about this later in the section on theorem Proving).

πŸ“œ Compile to Javascript

Formality programs compile to fast, tiny Javascript modules. The output is quite clean too! Check it out yourself by running:

fm2js Hello.world

Javascript is currently the default runtime for Formality, and the one we recommend for learning the language. But, as mentioned, Haskell and EVM runtimes exist. In fact, writing a new runtime in your favorite language is simple and a nice weekend project - check out our tutorial on the subject [TODO - this tutorial is a work in progress; in the meantime, everything you'd need to implement is in this file]!

πŸš€ Run

The fm command will execute the compiled Javascript, printing Hello, world. to the console.

For a more interactive example, we could add the following function to our Hello.fm file:

Hello.greet: IO(Unit)
  do IO {
    var name = IO.prompt("What is your name?");
    IO.print(String.concat("Welcome, ", name));

Try running our new greet function at the command line:

fmio Hello.greet

Reading and printing to the console raises an important issue: Formality is a language without side-effects - as in languages like Haskell and Elm, all functions are completely pure (i.e, cannot read or write mutable state). Rather than issuing side-effects directly, the standard library defines datatypes that describe the effects, which are then interpreted by the runtime. This is described at length in [IO section of the tutorial][TODO write IO section].

πŸ’‘ Datatypes, Functions, and Proofs

Formality is a general purpose language, capable of everything from web apps to 3D games to advanced mathematical proofs. But all Formality programs share a common structure that comes down to three parts:

  1. Specify the datatypes that describe your problem.

  2. Write functions that transform those datatypes.

  3. Propose and prove theorems about your datatypes and functions.

While the first two are commonplace for programmers and the last is usually relegated to mathematicians, Formality enables all three in the same simple language, making it a powerful lingua franca for the exchange of ideas in math, computer science, and software engineering.

Learning More

New to the notion of proving theorems with programs? Check out our tutorial - you'll be proving theorems to the moon and back in no time (throw a little of that moon ore our way, eh?).

Since the documentation is still being developed, a great way to get a feel of how the language works is by just looking the files here. It contains every Formality function available on Moonad!

Do you dream in Pi types and eat monoids for breakfast? You'll probably want to see the specification (it's incomplete and slightly dated, but still covers a lot of ground).

Questions? Queries? Quagmires? Conundrums? Perhaps we've covered it in the FAQ. If not, hop on on Telegram and we'll see if we can't get to the bottom of it.


TODO - write roadmap section.


Are you as excited about democratizing efficient proofs as we are? Come help us build the thing!

  • Moonad.org is wide open for contributions. Port your favorite library to Formality and integrate it directly into the language by publishing to Moonad. Or deploy a cool app that uses Moonad's IO infrastructure. Soon we'll have toolchain in place for you to publish in an automated way, but for now, you can do so by making a PR to the Moonad lib.
  • The documentation needs helps. One of the best ways you can help us improve it is just ask questions and give feedback on on Telegram! Bonus points if you mention @d4hines so we can make sure it gets compiled into the FAQ.
  • Finally, there are lots of fascinating problems to solve in the language itself. We need all the help we can get for the items in the roadmap - or, if we've missed the thing you want most, send us a PR or let us know on Telegram. Formality is a vast and rich frontier: who knows what dependently-typed glories await the intrepid?

β€œTo every man, in his acquaintance with a new art, there comes a moment when that which before was meaningless first lifts, as it were, one corner of the curtain that hides its mystery, and reveals, in a burst of delight which later and fuller understanding can hardly ever equal, one glimpse of the indefinite possibilities within.”

Out of the Silent Planet, C.S. Lewis