
This is a Squirrel SDK for Intellij IDEA Squirrel plugin. This SDK consists from official Squirrel sources (probably outdated by now) and Squirrel debugger.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Build status

Circle CI

What is this?

This repository was created to ease the cross-platform use of the Squirrel language. Official distribution of Squirrel does not include a debugger, which you can hardly find and compile on non Windows OS.

So, here's what this repository contains:

  • Unmodified Squirrel 3.0.7.
  • Fork of the squirrel debugger (sqdbg), with a better cross-platform support.
  • Unit tests for debugger.

What is in this distribution?


static library implementing the compiler and interpreter of the language


the standard utility libraries


stand alone interpreter


squirrel debugger


The manual


a minimalistic embedding sample 


samples squirrel scripts    

How to compile and build

Note: In all cases build results will be placed into "output" directory.

Command line

Note: Windows users will need to install MinGW-w64 with win32 threads and sjlj exceptions prior to compilation.

mkdir build; cd build
cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" --build ..

Visual Studio

Initially you need to run this from CMD to build Visual Studio solution files:

mkdir build; cd build
cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" --build .. 

Then, you can always open build/squirrel.sln.

Note: if you own different version of VS, run the "cmake --help" and scroll down to find the build name for your version.


Open root directory as new project and build all targets.

Note: Windows users will need MinGW-w64 with win32 threads and sjlj exceptions as a toolchain.

Other IDEs

Run the "cmake --help" and scroll down to find the build name for your version. Then run this in project root:

mkdir build; cd build
cmake -G "<PUT HERE YOUR IDE'S BUILD STRING>" --build .. 

Most likely you will find project files of your IDE in build directory.