- 3
- 2
- 1
[coc.nvim]: UnhandledRejection: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'major')
#288 opened by MadhavBohra01 - 0
Postfix var auto complete error
#287 opened by samuerio - 1
- 2
#247 opened by Taz03 - 1
[Feature] package refactor
#239 opened by Taz03 - 3
[Feature Request] Support java.cleanup.actions
#279 opened by sainnhe - 5
Invalid runtime for JavaSE-20: Runtime at '/usr/local/opt/jdk-20.0.2.jdk/Contents/Home' is not compatible with the 'JavaSE-20' environment.
#264 opened by zl03jsj - 2
Publish 1.22.4 to npmjs
#282 opened by thiagochaves - 0
JavaSE-19 Error
#285 opened by shanur00 - 0
[Feature] Populate quickfix with workspace.compile & build errors / results
#283 opened by asmodeus812 - 3
- 8
[coc.nvim]: UnhandledRejection: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading '0')
#267 opened by sify21 - 0
Project picker: duplicate entries in case of multiple projects loaded to workspace
#281 opened by gagara - 0
always download jre
#280 opened by k88936 - 0
CPU Spikes, OOM errors, Race Conditions, source file corruption when `organizeImports` is true 10+ second delays
#272 opened by daramousk - 3
Embedded JRE and NixOS
#278 opened by trev-dev - 3
coc-codeaction-refactor Error on notification "codeAction": TypeError: import_coc26.workspace.asRelativePath is not a function
#269 opened by meredrica - 1
Coc-java error on WSL
#244 opened by AxewBoTX - 2
Fail to download Coc-java
#275 opened by QinghaoHu - 2
cannot jump to .proto file if symbols is generated from a protobuf file
#274 opened by yimingwangdell - 2
- 0
- 0
Auto completion is not working
#270 opened by amgodoi - 0
JDTLS fails to start, missing dynamic libs
#265 opened by trev-dev - 1
Support for apache ant
#266 opened by davidovski - 2
- 3
- 3
why need to build project for mutiple times?
#258 opened by yimingwangdell - 0
unable to run several instances of
#248 opened by gagara - 8
Could not find lombok.jar path
#240 opened by ancion - 3
Only one workspace across multiple projects
#260 opened by cutefish - 12
unhandledRejection Promise
#242 opened by eliasdaler - 1
Issue with Language Server (I think)
#256 opened by Daniel-Radloff - 0
Reformat settings and commands in
#257 opened by rcasia - 2
Unable to Auto-Complete
#249 opened by HarryWangATX - 0
The extended client capability: resolveAdditionalTextEditsSupport will be deprecated
#254 opened by jdneo - 1
- 0
It's not working
#259 opened by zichenstudio - 2
unable to start up
#243 opened by mrchoc - 0
[Feature] Add support gradle to 8.0.
#245 opened by ancion - 0
synchronized block is not recognized
#246 opened by Taz03 - 1
[Feature]Add support for jshell scripts
#232 opened by pf0 - 5
Autocomplete issues
#237 opened by Taz03 - 2
- 4
Autocomplete issues
#233 opened by racecraftr - 3
_java.reloadBundles.command not found
#227 opened by sify21 - 1
Rename issue
#236 opened by Taz03 - 0
statusline E539: Illegal character < >
#230 opened by jackielii