- 0
- 1
Trigger completion only for \ref and \cite
#35 opened by jiangxjames - 1
- 1
- 4
'[coc.nvim] vimtex not loaded, please check your runtimepath' error since last update
#31 opened by lamabro23 - 1
coc.source.vimtex.shortcut not exist
#21 opened by v6cc - 2
- 0
unicode-math completion
#29 opened by xsrvmy - 0
Disable vimtex for markdown
#28 opened by swarn - 0
Command completion blocks input
#7 opened by otreblan - 0
- 3
What does this extension actually do?
#22 opened by newptcai - 1
"yarn build" does not work
#19 opened by pappasam - 11
I've installed vimtex through vim-plug and then coc-vimtex for coc.nvim, but still I got "[coc.nvim] vimtex not loaded" when attempt to open a *.tex file
#18 opened by ricciolino - 4
[coc.nvim] vimtex not loaded
#6 opened by ahmedselim2017 - 6
Autocompletion regex issue
#17 opened by chunhaow - 2
Return key does nothing when completion menu opened without anything selected
#16 opened by willfindlay - 2
How shall I configure it to make it like VSCode
#15 opened by dlejay - 4
Snippet doesn't work
#14 opened by FelipeMarcelino - 10
some times vimtex don't work
#13 opened by Unknown-Chinese-User - 4
Go to Declaration on project files not working
#11 opened by andregpss - 2
- 2
- 2
Add a feature to add N braces for the number of arguments when completing a command
#4 opened by juliankrieger - 4
- 1
hangs on insertleave
#8 opened by eyalk5 - 3
- 7
- 1
Completion does not always work
#3 opened by kabouzeid - 1
CocInstall coc-vimtex fails
#1 opened by oblitum