
Yank highlight and persist yank history support for vim

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Yank extension for coc.nvim.

Note, make sure you have TextYankPost autocmd with your vim by :echo exists('##TextYankPost')


In your vim/neovim, run command:

:CocInstall coc-yank

Setup keymap to open yank list like:

nnoremap <silent> <space>y  :<C-u>CocList -A --normal yank<cr>

-A means auto preview, and --normal means open list on normal mode.


  • Highlight yanked text.
  • Persist yank list across vim instances.


  • yank.highlight.enable enable highlight feature, default: true.
  • yank.highlight.duration duration of highlight in miliseconds, default: 500.
  • yank.list.maxsize maxsize of yank list, default: 200
  • yank.enableCompletion: Enable completion support for yanked text, default: true
  • yank.priority: Priority of yank completion source, default: 90.
  • yank.limit: Max completion item count from yank history.


Q: How to change highlight color?

A: Add hi HighlightedyankRegion term=bold ctermbg=0 guibg=#13354A to your .vimrc after :colorscheme command.

Q: How to clear all yanks?

A: In vim, :CocCommand yank.clean
