Unhandled Rejection Error: "Can't find directory 'list:' in cdpath" when Using :CocList Commands
talia523 opened this issue · 5 comments
Result from CocInfo
Describe the bug
When using coc.nvim
to execute list-related commands such as :CocList references
, an error is thrown indicating "Can't find directory 'list:' in cdpath on api call_function". This error occurs consistently across different list-related commands and seems to involve a misinterpretation of parameters or an incorrect API call.
Reproduce the bug
Create a file
with:set nocompatible set runtimepath^=/path/to/coc.nvim filetype plugin indent on syntax on set hidden
please, and steps to reproduce this issue.
I'm encountering an new issue with coc.nvim where the :CocInfo command fails with the error Error on notification "showInfo": Vim(loadview):E32: No file name on api "command" ["vnew setl\ buftype=nofile\ bufhidden=wipe\ nobuflisted"], preventing me from accessing plugin logs and status. This issue persists across different files and buffer states, and I am looking for a solution or further debugging assistance.
What's your vim version?
Have no idea about this, cant' reproduce. Try upgrade your coc.nvim, make sure you're using the latest release