- 1
- 1
workspace.onDidOpenTextDocument cannot work
#5200 opened by Freed-Wu - 0
Bun support?
#5201 opened by TheBearodactyl - 0
Support `uriConverters` in `LanguageClientOptions`?
#5195 opened by tcx4c70 - 0
`nvim.getOption` fails on nvim 0.11+
#5194 opened by fannheyward - 5
- 1
LSP Server Autostart Configuration Option
#5186 opened by secretnonempty - 2
In China, we cannot reach ""
#5185 opened by AFUL1991 - 2
Semantic highlight is not working with coc-clangd
#5183 opened by ahnafis - 3
- 6
- 3
Link to this plugin in docs?
#5158 opened by davidosomething - 1
neovim new style keymappings vs old
#5155 opened by tommyjcarpenter - 1
Tab just to second instead of first result
#5153 opened by Brutus11111 - 0
Export LSP responses
#5151 opened by fannheyward - 6
`cwd` option not work for custom lsp
#5149 opened by ZSaberLv0 - 1
gr conflicts with neovim built in mappings
#5147 opened by Asheq - 1
- 4
- 1
command to sync with coc_global_extensions
#5141 opened by laoshaw - 14
- 1
- 5
- 2
Remove workspace folder from langauge server when all opened resources are closed
#5120 opened by asmodeus812 - 2
parameter highlighting bug
#5125 opened by hoysong - 8
WriteWrap.onWriteComplete [as oncomplete] (node:internal/stream_base_commons:94:16)
#5131 opened by GopherJ - 1
- 4
[Bug] Cursor position ignored during code actions that insert or edit workspace
#5106 opened by asmodeus812 - 0
inlayHints update is not on splitted window
#5116 opened by A4-Tacks - 3
Extra opening angle bracket when auto completing html.
#5119 opened by pkradiator - 0
Allow for dynamic resolve of languageId value
#5112 opened by asmodeus812 - 1
- 2
the python cannot be auto formated after being saved!
#5115 opened by auqf - 0
`.vim` directory lookup across WSL can result in errors
#5117 opened by 43081j - 0
name got me cancelled
#5121 opened by notcardi - 10
watchman cannot start: path is too long
#5107 opened by scientificworld - 9
- 6
CocActionAsync('format') for python file
#5103 opened by maxchou0205 - 7
- 5
Unhandled Rejection Error: "Can't find directory 'list:' in cdpath" when Using :CocList Commands
#5099 opened by talia523 - 5
using TAB for completion failed in local variable completion, when using vim with godot LSP
#5091 opened by sloppydevil - 4
- 5
New command named CocStop
#5096 opened by amgodoi - 1
what is `menu` in `suggest.formatItems` ?
#5094 opened by xinghe98 - 1
- 1
cant jump to next parameter
#5088 opened by sudreamcarver - 3
`"diagnostic.separateRelatedInformationAsDiagnostics"` makes everything of customized typescript LS super lag in the file with lots of diagnostics
#5086 opened by hexh250786313 - 0
Change background color of floating windows
#5082 opened by RST-J - 3
Open coclist diagnostics in a split pane
#5079 opened by ic-768 - 2
Remove ansi escape sequence from code lens
#5075 opened by sevenc-nanashi