
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'stubPath')

tahseenjamal opened this issue · 1 comments

Link to my .vimrc configuration

Steps to repeat

  1. Install VIM (vim editor)
  2. Use my .vimrc file config
  3. Then run :PluginInstall inside vim and then exit
  4. After this you would have to run npm install inside ~/.vim/bundle/coc.nvim folder
  5. Now install miniconda
  6. Created new environment with python 3.11 and masonite 4 framework (pip install masonite==4.20.0)
  7. Switch to this new environment
  8. Create a new project using command project start blog
  9. Then go into the blog folder
  10. Open vi and run inside it :CocInstall coc-basedpyright
  11. Now open blog/app/controllers/ and you would see

I get below error

[coc.nvim] Request workspace/configuration failed with message: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'stubPath')

Fixed in coc-basedpyright.