
None block plugin manager for neovim

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2018-04-03 18_14_46

None block plugin manager for neovim.

Could works for vim (without commands support).


  • Async and run git commands in parallel
  • Quick remap for view update logs and diffs
  • Run UpdateRemotePlugins command and generate helptags when necessary
  • No cache, no magic
  • Unlike vim-plug, always manage update of itself.


neovim > 0.2.2 is required for node provider to work.

Node.js is required, after node installed, run command like:

git clone https://github.com/chemzqm/plug.nvim.git ~/.vim/bundle
cd ~/.vim/bundle/plug.nvim
npm install

Node version > 8 is required.


" change runtimepath is required
set runtimepath^=~/.vim/bundle/plug.nvim
call plug#begin()
Plug 'chemzqm/wxapp.vim', {'dir': '~/vim-dev', 'frozen': 1}
Plug 'Shougo/echodoc.vim'
" should only be used after all plugins added by Plug command
call plug#end()

filetype plugin indent on
syntax on


  • g:plug_shadow: use shadow clone(--depth=1) for git repos, set to 0 to disable it
  • g:plug_threads: the number of parallel threads for update/install, default to 8
  • g:plug_timeout: timeout in seconds of each update/install command, default to 60
  • g:plug_rebase: use rebase (git pull --rebase --autostash) for update, default to 0
  • g:plug_url_format: format string for git remote location, default: https://github.com/%s.git


  • r retry update of underline plugin
  • q quit current buffer
  • l show update/install log of underline plugin in preview window
  • d show latest update diff of underline plugin in preview window
  • t open iterm2 with new tab at root of underline plugin
  • gl run Denite gitlog in plugin directory, requires denite-git



A function that should be called before any Plug command. You can specify a optional root directory for all your plugins, it's default to $VIM."/vimfiles/bundle" on windows and ~/.vim/bundle on Mac/Linux.


A function that should be called after all Plug command.


Plug 'user/repo', option

Plug.nvim only support install plugins from github.

option is a vim dictionary, it could contain following fields:

  • as specify an alias name for plugin folder to avoid conflict
  • dir custom parent directory for this plugin
  • frozen not run update or install for this plugin when is 1
  • do shell command that would be run in plugin folder after install/update
  • branch/tag/commit Branch/tag/commit of the repository to use

Notice no lazyload stuff would be available, it's useless for neovim.


Update/install all plugins.

PlugUpdate [plugin]

Update/install a specific plugin, use tab to complete plugin name.

PlugRemove [plugin]

Remove plugin folder to trash.

Denite vim

Open denite source for vim. Support tabopen update delete action.