- 6
Failed to create Tonlib
#89 opened by EronTo - 0
Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was STRING at path $.transactions[0].in_msg.source
#94 opened by jerry-nerd - 0
Cannot getRawTransactions on mainnet with error "LITE_SERVER_UNKNOWN: cannot compute block with specified transaction: cannot find block (0,3cef47b3e7d12378) lt=46900413000003: lt not in db","@extra":"e5e8082d-d9df-44c1-a770-611cf79abe0f""
#93 opened by jerry-nerd - 5
I can't find global-config.json
#92 opened by NaboxAdmin - 5
No demo for V5 transfer Jetton
#68 opened by qzmer1104 - 2
- 1
How to get jetton transfer payload info?
#88 opened by lincoln-king - 1
Address serialization error occurred
#86 opened by 0xZonh - 2
How to get wallet_id before deploy?
#87 opened by qzmer1104 - 3
- 7
- 4
native library (win32-x86-64/info: could not find files for the given pattern(s)..dll)
#85 opened by aliyusahaboadam - 2
WalletV5SimpleTransfer not work
#83 opened by Wangab - 1
- 6
Message.deserialize() has a bug
#69 opened by 0xZonh - 1
- 2
- 11
too often got this error,Error in tonlib.receive(), 5 times was not able retrieve result from lite-server.
#57 opened by wood20230311 - 1
Can I retrieve the transaction result based on this hash? I need to know the status and detailed information of this transaction.
#72 opened by a402942988 - 2
- 2
How do I create a highload wallet? I can't find the option to create a highload wallet in Tonkeeper web. I need to be able to send multiple transfers at once. Can I use W5 wallet instead of highload wallet to do this?
#75 opened by ks-39 - 3
- 4
- 2
No encoding.. ! help
#76 opened by hsmang - 2
Can you update the "testnet-global.config.json" configuration file in tonlib dependency? it has only one lite-server and it always times out.....
#73 opened by ks-39 - 3
Can`t import or find LiteClient
#74 opened by SaitgalinKhannan - 1
Does the v4r2 wallet support highLoad?
#70 opened by ks-39 - 1
LITE_SERVER_UNKNOWN: cannot apply external message to current state : Failed to unpack account state
#64 opened by wood20230311 - 3
tonhashmap cannot get
#58 opened by 455631680 - 1
I want to use V3R1 to transfer main chain coins, but the final result is that I cannot transfer. I suspect there is a bug when transferring the mnemonic words to the address. If there is no problem, can you help me fix my demo? Thanks
#44 opened by Hsylient - 3
why does the wallet address generated by the same mnemonic using code differ from the one generated using Tonkeper?
#62 opened by xuanbin - 3
getRawTransactions not invalid in testnet
#67 opened by qzmer1104 - 2
Why is the address I generated using ledger different from myTonWallet's address?
#66 opened by mikey-cool - 0
Dict serialized wrong
#63 opened by glcanvas - 2
tonlibjson for android
#45 opened by skornei - 0
Can the TON4j V5 wallet support the swap functionality? If so, could you provide a demo code? Thank you!
#61 opened by a402942988 - 4
- 0
- 2
waitForBalanceChange <bug>
#55 opened by a402942988 - 3
- 1
Send successful without returning hash
#53 opened by a402942988 - 1
- 1
- 2
tonconnect.Domain tonconnect.TonProof tonconnect.WalletAccount is not public. Cannot be accessed from outside package
#46 opened by gjgjgjgj - 0
- 2
error:library is not inited
#48 opened by a402942988 - 0
Synchronized syncAndRead
#52 opened by a402942988 - 0
Synchronized syncAndRead
#51 opened by a402942988 - 1
Synchronized syncAndRead
#50 opened by a402942988 - 1
Is there a plugin similar to web3j that can directly generate corresponding Contract code based on ABI or BOC files?
#42 opened by yahto1307