MySQL Metadata tracker

Primary LanguageJavaScript

MySQL Metadata tracker

This app has been developed for the ETSI Informáticos 2019/2020 Data Warehouse course during the assignment E1 held by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid as a part of the Computer Science Degree.

Table of contents

App description

The app aims to keep track of metadata changes when data are altered in any way on a database selected by the user (from now on, the working database). If this database does not previously exist, the app will create it.

In order to do the traking, the app will use a database called register containing a replica of the MySQL data dictionary information_schema tables (check MySQL docs) listed below. For each of those, it will create a pair of tables such as <information_schema_table>_BEFORE and <information_schema_table>_AFTER.

Before and after executing the working query, the app will perform a SELECT query to the following information_schema tables:


Only after the working query has been succesfully performed, it will carry out INSERT queries with the metadata fecthed previously.

Once the process has been completed, the register database will contain a kind of metadata snapshots before and after the working query.

⚠️ Please note that every time the working query is executed, the register tables will be completely wiped out to have a cleaner image of the changes.

Local environment

Installing dependecies:
$ npm install
Run MySQL container:
$ npm run docker-db

It will initiate a MySQL server listening on port 53306

Run app:
$ npm start

App will be listening on port 4000

Dev environment

Run containers
$ npm run docker-app

App will be listening on port 4000 and MySQL server on port 43306

Alternatively, in case you don't want to use npm scripts just run this command on the project root directory

$ docker-compose -p dwh-e1 -f docker-compose.yml up --build --force-recreate -d

Making queries

For the app to do its job, you need to make an HTTP POST request to the only endpoint: /v1/query with a body like the following:

    "query": "SELECT * FROM <table>"

If everything went well, you will receive a 200 OK response with a message like Metadata for <working_database> have been succesfully updated. Otherwise the message will be similar to Metadata were not updated because of error: <error>, being <error> the message that MySQL DBMS throws when the query is syntactically incorrect.