
Hadoop MapReduce assignment

Primary LanguageJava

Hadoop MapReduce example

This project has been developed for the ETSI Informáticos 2019/2020 Data Warehouse course during the assignment E3 held by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid as a part of the Computer Science Degree.

Tutor: Santiago Eibe García

Table of contents


This project tries to provide a simple example of Hadoop MapReduce paradigm.

The source data will be a medium-sized CSV file that simulates the output of a Shopping Center sales application.

The purpose of this Shopping Center is to know the hour when the maximum number of sales occurs for each day, department, and product, named 'peak hour' in this project context, so they can maximize their offer strategy.

Project structure

This project tries to provide an example of Hadoop MapReduce paradigm. It involves the following applications:

  • datasetGenerator: a simple JavaScript program to generate a dataset in csv format. By using faker and node stream API, we have generated a simple dataset compose of 750,000 elements. More details about dataset elements here.

  • peekHour: a Java program that implements Hadoop MapReduce paradigm. It will be cover in more detail in MapReduce section.


Each element in the dataset is composed of:

  • Timestamp in ISO 8601 format
  • Department name
  • Product name

As example:


You can find a 750,000 elements dataset here or generate a new one with:

node hadoop-map-reduce/datasetGenerator/index.js 

⚠️ Don't forget to install dependency libraries before running the generator with npm install



Say we have this element from the CSV file:


We first parse the element to extract the three fields mentioned before (timestamp, department and product).

Then, we parse the timestamp to get these two values:

  • Date with format yyyy/MM/dd (date1)
  • Hour with format HH (date2)

So given the example, we get 2018/21/21 (date1) and 19 (date2).

With date1, department and product we generate a composed key date1-department-product. For this particular example, this key would be 2018/21/21-Movies-Unbranded_Soft_Fish

As of the value, we set it to be date2, in this case 19.

The result of this Mapper would be 2018/21/21-Movies-Unbranded_Soft_Fish 19


The input that the Reducer will receive given the Mapper will be the grouped keys with a list of hours similar to:

2018/21/21-Movies-Unbranded_Soft_Fish [19, 12, 15, 12, 16, 19]

As the goal is to know when the peek hour occurs, we evaluate the list of occurrence of each hour and then calculate the maximum. As a result, for the previous example we get:

2018/21/21-Movies-Unbranded_Soft_Fish 12

To simplify the problem, if more than one hour gets the same peek value (12 and 19 in the example), we stick to the first one.