Git log history

A CLI tool that gets current branch log commit history and prints them to stdout or writes them to a file

Table of contents


Requires git to be installed and .gitconfig file to include either name or username (otherwise, default --pretty format will get no value for you to include manually)


  • Prints commit log history from current branch to stdout
  • Inserts commit log history from current branch into a file
  • Customizable pattern to be replaced in file
  • Supports git log --pretty options (docs here)


npm install git-log-history


Command Info Default
--version Show version
-f, --file Relative path from root directory to pull request template file
-p, --pattern Pattern to be replaced in file "<% changelog %>"
-l, --log Git log --pretty options format:- %h %s by <username_or_name>
-h, --help Show help


Print to stdout

This option in provided mainly to check the commit log history format before replacing in target file.


Previous command will print to stdout the current branch commit log history with default format:

- 1e09236 feat: add feat3 by @neodmy
- ce38ac0 feat: add feat2 by @neodmy
- 8ac3463 feat: add feat1 by @neodmy
Replace in file

Being project folder structure like the following:

├── .github
│   ├──
├── node_modules
├── src
├── .gitignore
├── package.json
├── package-lock.json
└── may look similar to this:

### Main Changes

Try to summarize in a plain english the changes you made.

### Other Changes

In case that you include extra changes like upgrade dependencies or fixing typos, etc..

### Notes

You can add extra information if you want. Not mandatory

### Context

Please add here issues/Prs context and actions if needed as a list

### Changelog

<% changelog %>

Run git-log-history:

git-log-history -f .github/

<% changelog %> will be replace with current branch commit history with default format:

- 1e09236 feat: add feat3 by @neodmy
- ce38ac0 feat: add feat2 by @neodmy
- 8ac3463 feat: add feat1 by @neodmy
Customized pattern

As mentioned before, pattern in target file can be configured. For example, pattern *? something ¿* in target file can be replaced with:

git-log-history -f .github/ -p "*? something ¿*" 
Customized commit log history

Changelog can be configured too. git-log-history will append to git log --pretty= (docs) any valid option provided with -l, --log. Running it like this:

git-log-history -f .github/ -l short

Target file pattern will be replace with short format, giving something similar to:

commit fc5ad6086d0ea4e3773ada5db0fd5f81c89136c4
Author: David Yusta <>

    feat: add feat3

commit bc2198b0cf8381d2c4e6471beb1796636c751e81
Author: David Yusta <>

    feat: add feat2

commit 124fce4dec16432c63db4e2fc6a952993b08b600
Author: David Yusta <>

    feat: add feat1