
docker compose file for openvpn docker

Primary LanguageMakefileMIT LicenseMIT

Quickly spin up openvpn server with docker using docker-compose

This is based on kylemanna/openvpn docker image. See their documents on how to setup the keys and what not.

All default settings are in default_settings.env. Run docker-compose config to review them.

Using Makefile for convenience

  • Setup the environment
    • Create volume
    • Create password file
    • Generate config
  • Generate server files
    • Save server files
    • Load server files
  • Generate client file(s)
    • Get client file(s)
  • List clients

Setup the environment

$ make env

Note: A generated random password is saved to /tmp/ovpn_passwd.txt. You should move it to a safe place. (preferably, /tmp is tmpfs).

Generate server files

You will be asked for password which is saved from make env step. You could paste it here from cat /tmp/ovpn_passwd.txt | xclip -selection c

$ make server

Save server files

$ make save_server

Load server files On the server machine that will run the openvpn server.

# Make sure a volume is created
$ make volume
$ make load_server

Generate client file(s)

You will need to enter the generated password from the make env step.

# default client vagrant
$ make client

# generate a different client
$ make OVPN_CLIENT=mickey client

Get client file(s)

# get default client set in OVPN_CLIENT env variable
$ make get_client

# get a specific client
$ make OVPN_CLIENT=mickey get_client

Modify client.opvn file to use public ipaddress

remote openvpn.local <port> <protocol> 
remote <ur-public-ip> <port> <protocol>

Start up Openvpn service

docker-compose up -d && docker-compose logs --follow

Default Environment Variables

Env Variable Value
OVPN_CN neofob.info
OVPN_DATA openvpn-data-443
OVPN_DNS pihole.local
OVPN_IMG neofob/openvpn
OVPN_PASSWD /tmp/ovpn_passwd.txt
OVPN_RHOST openvpn.local
OVPN_SERVER_FILE /tmp/server.tar.xz

Helper Scripts

Generate clients from the list clients.txt; make sure you have the generated passwd from the step make env to paste into terminal when it asks for it. It is save in the location OVPN_PASSWD.

CLIENTS=clients.txt ./scripts/create_clients.sh

Save all client:

make get_all

author: tuan t. pham