
Grunt starter is a simple kickstart prototyping template for developers to use when starting new projects using GruntJS.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


My GruntJS Starter or Boilerplate

This simply helps kickstart a project on GruntJS. The features include

  • Asset Minification (Grunt Uglify)
  • JS Linting (Grunt JSHint)
  • Live browser reload (Grunt Watch)
  • Asset Concatenation (Grunt Concat)
  • SASS (Grunt SASS)
  • HTML Layout Includes (Grunt Includes)

These will be installed using npm, so make sure you have NodeJS installed and running on your machine. Also, if you haven't installed GruntJS now would be a good time.


Download and place in a directory. CD to the directory using terminal and run npm install --save-dev then after that run bower install to install the bower dependencies. Then to build run grunt and to start watching the filesystem for changes run grunt watch.