neoinsight/prototypes Consultation Landing Page Template

Opened this issue · 5 comments

  1. Overall - Template needs focus.

Lots of key info on left plus "Share your thoughts" box on right. As a user - not sure what to look at first. Also not sure if this information was to replace the methods available in Join in section. When you're on a mobile device this right hand box will also place itself after the text, so the quick access is lost on mobile, which for Health Canada is 52% of users.
We also didn't want this form to highlight/promote the "web form" format. Data collection from this format is much more manual and not the preferred way to collect user feedback. Unless there is a built-in database this is not an efficient method to use when receiving thousands of submissions.
However, a simplified version of it might be more useful in the documentation so that users can access the consultation from any materials they are viewing.

  1. We like the tombstone type info at top - i.e. Current status, date consultation opened and when it will close, and short plain language description of the consultation.

Current status section should include the following status options: Open, Closed, Closed - Report Available.
Currently users have to scroll through a lot of info to find out what the key sections are on this page. Recommend using a table of contents (that you could expand/collapse or redirect) type listing of the key sections on this page - then a user could quickly scan & know what the key sections are and link right to them. Would be more mobile friendly as well.
Example - Under the tombstone type info, a table of contents type listing of the other key sections would be helpful:
Join in - how to participate
Who is the focus of this consultation
Themes to spark ideas
When and where
What we are hearing
Related information
Contact us

  1. Key section labels

Where did the titles for the key sections came from? Have they been tested? Some of the labels were not intuitive to those who reviewed.
As a user coming to a consultation I want to know these basic things:
What is the consultation about?
Why are we doing this?
Who should participate? (i.e. can I participate? is this for me?)
When is the deadline?
How do I participate?
What happens next?
Recommendation - be more clear with section titles. Recommend revising the following:
Consultation Name is already in the title at the top of the page. No need to repeat that. The section under current status should be the WHY we are doing this, the description is ok but the section title should be about the WHY not consultation name again.
Who is the focus of this consultation - Assuming this means target audience? Current wording sounds like who the consultation is going to be about, not who may be interested in it or who the target audience is.
Themes to spark ideas, etc. - what does this mean? Are you testing all those titles? Are these plain language (we avoid colloquial terms) and what will they look like in French? Like the suggested content but the titles are not representative of the information proposed for that section.
Related information - related to what? why would a user need to look at this to complete their task? Is this necessary?
Issue: There is no area to link to published final reports. Obtaining approvals to release an interim report are highly unlikely, it's even a challenge to release final reports.
Recommendation - Replace What we are hearing section with final report posting What We Heard so users can access that quickly. They are currently very difficult to find when they are posted.

  1. Order of key sections on the page

Current order is:

Join in - how to participate
Who is the focus of this consultation
Themes to spark ideas
When and where
What we are hearing
Related information
Contact us

Do we want to have people joining in before they know if they are eligible to participate?
Recommendation - Put the "join in" type info lower down - but use a table of contents style list - so they can see it right away and go there quickly (i.e. if they've been to the page before and now want to participate or if they already know they want to participate). Also the in person When and where section should be included/merged in the same section as Join in. They are ALL ways on how to participate and should be together.
We would recommend something more like:
What is the consultation about
(Why are we doing it)
Who should participate
How to participate
When and where
Themes to spark ideas
What we heard
Related information
Contact us
5. Really like the inclusion of template tips in the template.

This will be very useful for depts - and will keep things consistent. Would also be helpful (a nice to have) if tips could reference relevant section of Content & IA Spec for more info. You don't want people thinking that they no longer need to consult the specs because they think that all info is in the template.

  1. In H1 it shows "CONSULTATION NAME" in all caps

Recommendation - Don't do this. It will make people think that part of the H1 must be in all caps. Use proper capitalization in the template to ensure consistency with the Style Guide.

  1. Template tips: Creating a page title

Really like the template tips for the H1 heading. Instructions are clear & concise.
8. Plain language

Make sure plain language is used
Noticed some language that is definitely not plain language - but might be because this is a draft page? For example, under "Share your thoughts", under "About you" one sentence reads,
"All reports will include totals of the answers below, so that answers cannot be attributed to particular people." I'm not sure what this means and words like "attributed" are not simple or common.

  1. Finally on the template itself, we can submit a GITHUB ticket, although there might need to be increased support from PCO to make it a priority to have the template drafted and made available in WET.

@neoinsight and @DK-TBS

I was thinking of splitting this ticket up into smaller issues:

  1. Mobile behaviour: When you're on a mobile device this right hand box will also place itself after the text, so the quick access is lost on mobile, which for Health Canada is 52% of users.
  2. Separate WET widget similar: However, a simplified version of it might be more useful in the documentation so that users can access the consultation from any materials they are viewing.
  3. Navigation...
  4. Labels...
  5. How to add to WET...

Let me know what you think.

/cc @EDorosz

Hi @EDorosz
We're hearing from other departments as well as your own about this template, as well as testing in online sessions with Canadians, so will try to balance all of these issues. Some quick thoughts below:

  • Re mobile and seeing online panel first - Turns out we just had to move the web form panel up higher in the code to get it to appear first on mobile. @steve-h just did that on the main template file (consultations-template-en) and it is now working on mobile as it should.
  • @DK-TBS already cleaned up the upper case in the H1 - thanks Dave!
  • Glad you like the template tips and title ideas. The tip itself is messed up in mobile view, but obviously would be removed by the dev before going live. Links into the IA spec & Style Guide are a great idea but it's not online yet as far as I know. But I will at least add a reference.
  • Good point about missing the report heading- the idea so far has that the temporary stuff in 'What we've heard so far' is replaced with the permanent 'What we heard' heading. But probably will need both.
  • You say above that interim reports are highly unlikely, but many consultations are posting input as soon as it is received . These are not reports, but rather summaries of what was heard at an in-person meeting (Nutrition North) or simply the ideas themselves (Climate Change) or even individual emails that were received (Accessible Transportation).
  • Finally, in terms of labels for the various headings, and the order of them, well, there is lots more work to be done. Really, the best way to do this would be to run a workshop with interested consultation team members, including some consultation stakeholders (real 'users'). @MaryBethBaker thoughts?

@DK-TBS I loved your doormat approach, have integrated it into main template. And I think I solved the problem @EDorosz mentions above, where the consultation name is the first H2 heading. What I did instead was to turn the STATUS into a heading - that way screen reader users won't miss it - they so often use the headings to navigate, and it makes it very noticeable. Thoughts?

Love the idea of making the status line into a heading; in fact, I think it's essential. Thanks @neoinsight!

Thanks for the update :)


From: Lisa Fast
To: neoinsight/prototypes
Cc: EDorosz, Mention
Date: 2016-10-04 04:40 PM
Subject: Re: [neoinsight/prototypes] Consultation Landing Page
Template (#2)

Hi @EDorosz
We're hearing from other departments as well as your own about this
template, as well as testing in online sessions with Canadians, so will try
to balance all of these issues. Some quick thoughts below:
Re mobile and seeing online panel first - Turns out we just had to
move the web form panel up higher in the code to get it to appear
first on mobile. @steve-h just did that on the main template file
(consultations-template-en) and it is now working on mobile as it
@DK-TBS already cleaned up the upper case in the H1 - thanks Dave!
Glad you like the template tips and title ideas. The tip itself is
messed up in mobile view, but obviously would be removed by the dev
before going live. Links into the IA spec & Style Guide are a great
idea but it's not online yet as far as I know. But I will at least
add a reference.
Good point about missing the report heading- the idea so far has that
the temporary stuff in 'What we've heard so far' is replaced with the
permanent 'What we heard' heading. But probably will need both.
You say above that interim reports are highly unlikely, but many
consultations are posting input as soon as it is received . These are
not reports, but rather summaries of what was heard at an in-person
meeting (Nutrition North) or simply the ideas themselves (Climate
Change) or even individual emails that were received (Accessible
Finally, in terms of labels for the various headings, and the order
of them, well, there is lots more work to be done. Really, the best
way to do this would be to run a workshop with interested
consultation team members, including some consultation stakeholders
(real 'users'). @MaryBethBaker thoughts?

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