Spin up a Vanilla K8s cluster (using Antrea CNI) in vCenter based on Terraform
- Make sure terraform in installed in the orchestrator VM
- Make sure your orchestrator VM has Internet Access
- Make sure VMware credential/details are configured as environment variable for vCenter:
export TF_VAR_vsphere_username=******
export TF_VAR_vsphere_password=******
Terraform Plan has/have been tested against:
Terraform v0.13.1
+ provider registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/null v2.1.2
+ provider registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/template v2.1.2
+ provider registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/vsphere v1.24.0
+ provider registry.terraform.io/terraform-providers/nsxt v3.0.1
Your version of Terraform is out of date! The latest version is 0.13.2. You can update by downloading from https://www.terraform.io/downloads.html
V-center/ESXi version:
vCSA - 7.0.0 Build 16749670
ESXi host - 7.0.0 Build 16324942
- All the variables are stored in variables.tf.dhcp
- variables.tf is an example for DHCP
- if dhcp is enabled (var.dhcp is true)
- if dhcp is enabled, the amount of worker(s) is defined in var.worker_count
- variables.tf.static is an example for static IP
- if dhcp is disabled (var.dhcp is false)
- if dhcp is disabled, the amount of worker(s) is defined in var.worker_count is defined by the amount of IPs in var.nodes_ip4_addresses. '",,"' will spin up three nodes, One master node and Two worker nodes)
Run the terraform plan:
git clone https://github.com/tacobayle/tfVmwK8s ; cd terraformVmwK8s ; terraform init ; terraform apply -auto-approve
- IP(s) of the VM (dhcp or static)
- Ssh username of the VM
- Ssh password
- Ssh private key file path