
FS explorer

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Project organization

This is a Javascript monorepo composed of the following packages:

  • core: Core features (scan a folder)
  • cli: The CLI program
  • api: Web API exposing core features
  • app: Web application using the API


Just run:


Run the CLI

yarn cli

Run the app

Start the backend

With Docker:

docker-compose up

In development mode:

yarn api

The backend listens on http://localhost:8080.

A GraphiQL UI is available here: http://localhost:8080/graphiql

Start the Web app

yarn app

Run the tests

All tests can be run with:

yarn test

You can also get into a specific package and run the same command.

For instance, run tests for the cli packages:

cd packages/cli
yarn test



  • Tests (unit, e2e)
  • Logs (Sentry)
  • Analytics?
  • Environment config
  • Accessibility refinements
  • Virtual scroll would be nice for very long lists
  • i18n
  • Better responsive
  • Navigation history
  •  Caching folders content
  •  Authentication

Backend (including the file scanner)

  • Logs
  • Environement configuration
  •  E2e tests

More about the scanner:

  • [PERF] Better concurrency management. Currently, the limit of concurrency is 4... for each scanned folder. We could get a better management by using node Workers and push jobs into a pool that can provide a global limitation for those parallel tasks.
  • [SECURITY] Give a folder as a root path (a jail) from which the user can't get out

Known issue

Memory: when the tree of files is too big, we hit a JavaScript heap out of memory error. If you want run Node with more memory, you can set this environment variable:


Symlinks loops: sometimes


  • Improve UX by handling autocompletion, history...
  • The table could be better