
Linux 配置文件

Primary LanguageShell

Linux Configuration Dotfiles


Use Dotfiles

1. Use Auto Config Script

Run configure.sh to auto configure dotfiles, which will add links for all files to where they should be.

2. Manually config

Use ln/mv/cp to add dotfiles to where they should be.

Maintaining The Repo

  • The root folder below all refer to the repo root

  • In /home folder, you put files which should work in your ~/ or $HOME;

  • In /config folder, you place files which should work in your ~/.config;

  • In /scripts folder, you put smaller scripts you write for light-weight functionals;

  • For different platforms (such as raspi, RDKx3, ArchLinux), you may push their configuration dotfiles in different branches and update /configure.sh//scripts/configure/sh script.