
Terraform module to stand up Temporal.io Server on Nomad

Primary LanguageHCLMIT LicenseMIT





This Terraform module stands up a Temporal Application Server on a Nomad Cluster.

The Persistence Store is via a Postgres database, provisioned using Neomantra's branch of the terraform-nomad-postgres module.

Currently it is opinionated and assumes Docker, Consul, some networking, and Traefik Routing. It can optionally use Vault.

Initial work from this Just-in-Time Nomad: Running Temporal on Nomad blog post. Like that blog helped me figure it out, hopefully you this module helps you.

It also has not been hardened or tested for production use.


You can use this module by referencing source = "github.com/neomantra/terraform-nomad-temporal" in your module stanza. Excerpt from the examples/hello/main.tf file:

module "temporal" {
  source = "github.com/neomantra/terraform-nomad-temporal"

  base_name = "temporal"

  temporal_autosetup_tag = "1.20.2"
  temporal_ui_tag        = "2.14.0"

  nomad_namespace   = nomad_namespace.temporal.name
  nomad_datacenters = ["dc1"]

  # For Traefik routing
  service_dns_name = "temporal.example.com"
  http_entrypoints = "https,http"
  prom_entrypoints = "http"

  use_prometheus = true

  admin_user     = "hello"
  admin_password = "world"

To see it in action, do this:

# Make sure Docker is running... however you do that...

# In one terminal, start Nomad:
nomad agent -dev -bind

# In another terminal, go to the examples directory and Terraform away
export NOMAD_ADDR=http://localhost:4646
cd examples/hello
terraform init
terraform apply

After a while, you should see the Temporal:

This doesn't work in MacOS due to bridge networking.


Authored by Evan Wies.

Copyright (c) 2023 Neomantra BV.

Released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.