
A couchbase client that allows quick access to the couchbase cluster / node. Send SQL, receive results (JSON), handy for writing scripts and piping results into files.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


A couchbase client that allows quick access to the couchbase cluster / node. Send SQL, receive results (JSON), handy for writing scripts and piping results into files.

The couchbase client cbq does not accept N1QL queries as parameters or pipes and also its not straight-forward to pipe the results of these queries to a file or another device, this utility program attempts to help overcome these limitations.


createDistributable.sh will build the artifact using maven and create a zip file in the root folder of the project.

The zip file contains a folder containing these three files:

couchbaseClient.jar    - is a self-contained jar file. runCouchbaseClient.sh
runCouchbaseClient.sh  - run the jar passing it the require params
README.md              - this file

Usage of the utility program

###Why would you use this tool ?

  • you do not want to manually ssh into Couchbase instances and type N1QL queries, across multiple environments
  • you do not have access to the the Couchbase web-console or any GUI and have work from command-line UI
  • you want to process the results of a N1QL query further
  • you want to write script(s) that send N1QL queries to Couchbase, that can be invoked from any application that supports scripting
  • you want to do any of the above in a repeated fashion or maybe even automate it via cron jobs or other tools (i.e. Jenkins, ansible, etc...)

Note: one of the caveats is, the program should have access to the Couchbase Cluster/Node (via its private IP).

###How to build it ?


###What to do next ?

Copy the zip artifact from the local machine to one of the jump boxes on AWS with the below:

scp -i [ssh key] couchbaseClient.zip user@host.com:"/path/to/copy/to"

###How to run it ?

unzip couchbaseClient.zip 
cd couchbaseClient

./runCouchbaseClient.sh [required parameters]

required parameters:
	--host, -h   - name or IP address (port number is optional) of the Couchbase cluster / node
	--bucket, -b - name of the bucket on the Couchbase cluster / node
	--query, -q  - Couchbase-compliant N1QL query surrounded by single or double quotes

	./runCouchbaseClient.sh --host --bucket sapi --query"select * from sapi limit 5"
	./runCouchbaseClient.sh --host --bucket Transport --query 'select * from Transport limit 5'
	./runCouchbaseClient.sh --host --bucket Transport --query "select * from Transport limit 5" > queryResults.log

###Output and errors

All log and error output are written into the couchbaseClient.log file which gets created in the folder in which the program is run in. In addition in case of an error, a concise error message is also printed on the STDOUT.

Results of successful sql execution are printed on the STDOUT and this can be piped into a file or sent elsewhere.

Here is an example of a couchbaseClient.log file:

	Mar 04, 2016 4:23:39 PM com.couchbase.client.core.CouchbaseCore <init>
	INFO: CouchbaseEnvironment: {sslEnabled=false, sslKeystoreFile='null', sslKeystorePassword='null', queryEnabled=false, queryPort=8093, bootstrapHttpEnabled=true, bootstrapCarrierEnabled=true, bootstrapHttpDirectPort=8091, bootstrapHttpSslPort=18091, bootstrapCarrierDirectPort=11210, bootstrapCarrierSslPort=11207, ioPoolSize=4, computationPoolSize=4, responseBufferSize=16384, requestBufferSize=16384, kvServiceEndpoints=1, viewServiceEndpoints=1, queryServiceEndpoints=1, searchServiceEndpoints=1, ioPool=NioEventLoopGroup, coreScheduler=CoreScheduler, eventBus=DefaultEventBus, packageNameAndVersion=couchbase-jvm-core/1.2.5 (git: 1.2.5), dcpEnabled=false, retryStrategy=BestEffort, maxRequestLifetime=75000, retryDelay=ExponentialDelay{growBy 1.0 MICROSECONDS, powers of 2; lower=100, upper=100000}, reconnectDelay=ExponentialDelay{growBy 1.0 MILLISECONDS, powers of 2; lower=32, upper=4096}, observeIntervalDelay=ExponentialDelay{growBy 1.0 MICROSECONDS, powers of 2; lower=10, upper=100000}, keepAliveInterval=30000, autoreleaseAfter=2000, bufferPoolingEnabled=true, tcpNodelayEnabled=true, mutationTokensEnabled=false, socketConnectTimeout=1000, dcpConnectionBufferSize=20971520, dcpConnectionBufferAckThreshold=0.2, queryTimeout=75000, viewTimeout=75000, kvTimeout=2500, connectTimeout=5000, disconnectTimeout=25000, dnsSrvEnabled=false}
	Mar 04, 2016 4:23:40 PM com.couchbase.client.core.node.CouchbaseNode signalConnected
	INFO: Connected to Node
	Mar 04, 2016 4:23:41 PM com.couchbase.client.core.config.DefaultConfigurationProvider$8 call
	INFO: Opened bucket sapi
	Mar 04, 2016 4:23:41 PM com.couchbase.client.core.config.DefaultConfigurationProvider$11 call
	INFO: Closed bucket sapi
	Mar 04, 2016 4:23:41 PM com.couchbase.client.core.node.CouchbaseNode signalDisconnected
	INFO: Disconnected from Node
	Mar 04, 2016 4:23:41 PM com.couchbase.client.core.env.DefaultCoreEnvironment$4 call
	INFO: Shutdown Core Scheduler: success
	Mar 04, 2016 4:23:41 PM com.couchbase.client.core.env.DefaultCoreEnvironment$4 call
	INFO: Shutdown IoPool: success
	Mar 04, 2016 4:23:41 PM com.couchbase.client.core.env.DefaultCoreEnvironment$4 call
	INFO: Shutdown Runtime Metrics Collector: success
	Mar 04, 2016 4:23:41 PM com.couchbase.client.core.env.DefaultCoreEnvironment$4 call
	INFO: Shutdown Latency Metrics Collector: success
	Mar 04, 2016 4:23:42 PM com.couchbase.client.core.env.DefaultCoreEnvironment$4 call
	INFO: Shutdown Netty: success

Successful execution of the supplied SQL command results in a JSON like the below in the STDOUT:

	  someEntity: {
	   "business": "GROCERY",
	   "serviceCode": "ONE_HOUR",
	   "locationId": "6473",
	   "locationType": "STORE",
	   "_class": "com.tesco.transport.shipping.model.entities.SlotConfiguration",
	   "weekNumber": 2

###Known issues

Accessing remote Couchbase cluster/node is returning an error

It is a known issue that we cannot access remote Couchbase nodes/clusters from our local machine via this tool. If we do that then it results in the below error:

	WARNING: An exception was thrown by com.couchbase.client.core.endpoint.AbstractEndpoint$2.operationComplete()
	rx.exceptions.OnErrorNotImplementedException: connection timed out: [public host ip][port]
	Caused by: java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException: Task java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask@3fd372cf 
	rejected from java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@33b5f576[Terminated, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 190]
	Mar 04, 2016 4:31:08 PM com.couchbase.client.core.endpoint.AbstractEndpoint$2 operationComplete
	WARNING: [null][KeyValueEndpoint]: Socket connect took longer than specified timeout.

Solution: We need to be at the sub-net as the Couchbase nodes/clusters in order to be able to send it queries and get back a response. And use the private IP assigned to the respective couchbase instances. Log on to the jumpbox by ssh-ing into it and run the same command.

Note to fellow developers

  • Modify the utility program to add more features to it
  • Create a Windows equivalent of the distribution bash file
  • Feel free to replace the bash script with an equivalent maven release/distribution plugin
  • Update the bash script

###Have fun using it.