- 0
PHP 8.4 deprecated warnings
#259 opened by wdmeest - 0
accept same type on Encoder::instance
#258 opened by jebie - 0
Problem with PHP version 8.1
#257 opened by geoidesic - 16
- 1
- 1
- 1
Member names are converted to kebab-case
#250 opened by geoidesic - 0
stricter typing with psalm
#251 opened by zerkms - 3
sparse fields filter relationships
#249 opened by efinder2 - 3
How to create nested relationships
#248 opened by efinder2 - 4
- 2
Fetch a link from an existing Element
#246 opened by efinder2 - 8
- 7
Catch exceptions from json_encode
#242 opened by efinder2 - 40
What's happened to include relationships in schema `getRelationships` method
#236 opened by lindyhopchris - 9
- 13
- 6
subUrl property is private - BaseSchema
#240 opened by Munsio - 5
#229 opened by reefebba - 1
- 11
- 5
Include array of `Identifier`s
#235 opened by untone-survive - 4
Problem with Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
#233 opened by nebur81 - 6
- 0
- 0
Use native function invokation
#228 opened by neomerx - 1
Migrate to PHPUnit 8
#225 opened by neomerx - 15
- 6
Is v3 produciton ready?
#222 opened by PabloKowalczyk - 0
Where is support for older PHP versions?
#197 opened by neomerx - 7
Media type matching with dynamic properties
#221 opened by lindyhopchris - 9
Related resources of a relationship endpoint
#218 opened by jpoelmans - 3
- 4
Empty relationship data is represented as empty array instead as empty object
#217 opened by bartje321 - 12
Errors as a Schema
#206 opened by designermonkey - 0
- 4
Example for filtering
#213 opened by danDanV1 - 3
Deep relations
#212 opened by Dylan-DutchAndBold - 12
How to replace the removed CodecMatcher?
#210 opened by Ilyes512 - 1
How to handle sub-resources without an ORM object?
#211 opened by mikelovely - 12
Schema is not registered for a resource at path ''
#209 opened by thiagoreri - 5
- 2
Nested relationships and links
#207 opened by designermonkey - 3
Relationships specific interaction
#205 opened by designermonkey - 0
- 5
Parser potential problem
#199 opened - 3
BaseQueryParser generators problems
#198 opened by juliangut - 0
Overriding Schema default include paths with empty list via EncodingParameters do not work
#203 opened by neomerx - 8
Not using Traversable
#202 opened by designermonkey - 5
How to pass additional params to Schema
#201 opened by zion03